USA Today
January 25, 2010

AP: Obama administration to sell weapons to Taiwan

In a move that is certain to worsen relations with Beijing, the Obama 
administration has decided to sell new weapons to Taiwan, congressional sources 
have told the Associated Press.

The mainland considers the island — where nationalists fled after being 
defeated by the communists in 1949 — a renegade province that must eventually 
reunite under the "one China" policy.

AP writes that the sale is likely to include UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters, 
Patriot Advanced Capability-3 missiles and military communications equipment. 
But F-16 fighter jets are not likely to be included.

The administration has been consulting with Congress ahead of a formal 
announcement of the sale, said the sources, whom the AP says "have direct 
knowledge of the meetings."

Earlier this month, Beijing warned Washington not to proceed with the sale, 
which Congress approved more than a year ago.

"The U.S. arms sales to Taiwan infringe upon China's security interest as well 
as peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and interfere with China's 
internal affairs," foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said in a statement.

In October 2008, the Bush administration announced a $6.5 billion weapons 
package for Taiwan that included Apache attack helicopters, Patriot III 
anti-missile missiles, Harpoon missiles, Javelin missiles, upgrades for 
Taiwan's E-2T aircraft and spare parts for Taiwan's air force.

(Posted by Michael Winter)

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