International Military Staff
January 27, 2010

NATO Military Committee concludes two days meetings in Brussels 

NATO HQ, Brussels: Chiefs of Defence (CHODs) from 62 countries, together with 
NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander for Operations, NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander 
for Transformation, and the three Joint Force Commanders (Naples, Lisbon, 
Brunssum) attended the NATO Military Committee (MC) Meetings in their various 
sessions, chaired by Admiral Di Paola, Chairman of NATO’s Military Committee. 

Particularly welcome were Gen. Hakan Syren, Chairman of the EU Military 
Committee, General Kiyani, Pakistan Chief of Army Staff, and Gen. McChrystal, 
ISAF Commander.

During the MC in KFOR non-NATO-Troop-Contributing-Nations format, the Military 
Committee was briefed by Adm. Stavridis, Supreme Allied Commander Europe 
(SACEUR) and by Adm. Fitzgerald, Joint Force Commander Naples. The KFOR 
transition toward deterrent presence was assessed as successful. Nations were 
also briefed on the current evolution of the Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) 
project and on the state of the KSF Trust Fund. CHODS confirmed their 
commitment to the KFOR operation, while underlining that future developments 
will be conditions based. Gen. Syren emphasized the fruitful cooperation 
between NATO, EU and individual countries in Kosovo.

On NATO’s “Operation Ocean Shield”, the Military Committee agreed on the 
continued support of the counter-piracy effort and on the flexible use of the 
Standard NATO Maritime Groups (SNMGs) as the backbone of the operation, which 
is part of a broader coordinated international effort. Regional capacity 
building, as well as the need for a long-range air surveillance system, were 
recognized as areas to further assess. 

In the joint session with the CHODs of the NATO Partnership for Peace 
countries, NATO CHODs exchanged views on the value of the NATO Response Force 
(NRF) project. As reaffirmed at the Strasbourg/Kehl Summit, the NRF is set up 
to provide a rapidly deployable, credible force for the Alliance and is a 
driving force for transformation and capability development. In this respect 
SACEUR gave a briefing on the new NRF construct, which now allows more 
flexibility and effectiveness and represents an important transformational 
tool. Colonel General Svyda, the Ukrainian CHOD, shared his experience on the 
ongoing preparation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces for joining the NRF. 

In the framework of the Mediterranean Dialogue, the MC discussed the progress 
of the ongoing development of the Alliance Maritime Strategy and the Maritime 
Security Operations Concept which can create good opportunities for cooperation 
among NATO and its Med Dialogue partners. 

During the session in NATO-Ukraine Commission format, the Ukrainian CHOD 
presented measures and actions taken to implement the “State Programme of the 
Ukrainian Armed Forces Development for 2006-2011” under the current economic 
situation. The MC took stock of the progress made of the Ukrainian Defence 
Reform and encouraged Ukraine to continue with its transformation efforts.

Next, the Committee met with NATO Secretary General, H.E. Mr. Anders Fogh 
Rasmussen, who highlighted his priorities and views on NATO Operations, 
Transformation and Reform, and emphasized the need for an Alliance able to 
efficiently tackle future challenges having present financial constraints. 
With regard to Afghanistan, the Military Committee was updated by Gen. 
McChrystal, on the implementation of the current strategy. In recognizing the 
validity of the strategy and fully endorsing the way it is being implemented by 
COMISAF, the CHODS of the 44 contributing Nations confirmed their concrete 
commitment to the operation. 
Regarding the regional approach, Pakistan Chief of the Army, General Kiyani, 
briefed in depth the Committee on the Pakistani current strategy and on the 
ongoing operations against terrorism. Recognizing the necessity for continued 
cooperation with ISAF, he emphasized Pakistan’s role as a key enabler for 
success in Afghanistan. 

Lastly, former US Secretary of State Dr. Madeleine Albright with her group of 
experts, informed the Military Committee on the progress being made with regard 
to the development of the New Strategic Concept. Specific focus was given to 
the military dimension of the Document. 

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