January 29, 2010

Nato strategy to look at EU relations, says Albright

-"With 20 plus members, Nato can be slow and caught flat-footed by change," Ms 
Albright argued, highlighting "internal complacency" as a major threat.

BRUSSELS: Relations between the EU and Nato are to be included in the new 
strategic concept for the military alliance currently being developed by a 
group of experts led by former US secretary of state Madeleine Albright.

"We need to maximise collaboration with the EU and make more use of political 
consultation," Ms Albright told MEPs in Brussels during a special hearing on 
Wednesday (27 January).
Ms Albright was the US' foreign policy supremo during 1997-2001 when Nato 
launched its first military action in the former Yugoslavia. The 72-year old 
has now been appointed to chair an expert panel tasked to advise Nato secretary 
general Anders Fogh Ramussen on an updated "strategic concept" for the military 

The document will outline new security threats ranging from cyberattacks to 
terrorism and energy security and the way the military alliance, founded during 
the Cold War to protect Europe from a potential Soviet invasion, can respond.

"With 20 plus members, Nato can be slow and caught flat-footed by change," Ms 
Albright argued, highlighting "internal complacency" as a major threat.

She said the founding principle of the alliance – the military defence of its 
members in case of an armed attack – would remain at the centre of the 

But the alliance had to take into account new threats and its own enlargement 
to 28 members since the last strategic concept, dating back to 1999. 

In addition, Nato must take into account the EU's own expansion and its 
military and civilian missions abroad.

In this era of "scarce resources," when national coffers are near empty and 
military budgets have been slashed, avoiding duplication between Nato and the 
EU is of particular importance, Ms Albright argued.

For their part, MEPs called for a clear division of labour and more 
co-ordination between the two organisations.

Polish centre-right MEP Jacek Saryusz Wolski, in charge of EU-Nato relations, 
said he was struck how the two institutions were working in "totally separate 
worlds," despite having the same concerns and roughly the same armies and 
citizens, on the European side.

Of the EU's 27 members, only Austria, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Malta and 
Cyprus are not part of the military alliance.

At the same time, Mr Saryusz-Wolski identified converging trends as Nato looks 
to developing a "soft," civilian side in Afghanistan, while the EU is going for 
increased military capabilities within its foreign and security policy. 

"If the two are going more towards each other, the question arises how to make 
their roles complementary and avoid overlapping," he said.

UK Liberal MEP Andrew Duff asked Ms Albright if she was worried about the 
possibility of a "core group" of military-capable states establishing their own 
club within the EU – a provision enshrined in the bloc's new legal framework, 
the Lisbon Treaty.

Ms Albright kept her remarks general and pointed out that her team's work was 
still ongoing. A draft concept is to be issued by Nato's secretary general in 
time for the November summit in Lisbon, when Nato leaders are meant to adopt 
the final document.

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