Sofia News Agency
January 29, 2010

Bulgaria Confirms Sending of 70 More Troops to Afghanistan

Bulgaria’s newly appointed Foreign Minister and former Defense Minister Nikolay 
Mladenov has confirmed the country would send 70 more troops to Afghanistan.

Thus, Bulgaria’s 500-strong contingent as part of ISAF is going to grow by 100 
troops in 2010 as in the very beginning of the year the cabinet decided to send 
30 more Bulgarian soldiers.

“Bulgaria is performing well as part of the international operation in 
Afghanistan. We currently have a contingent of 500 soldiers in Kabul and 
Kandahar, and medical units in Kabul and heart,” Mladenov said speaking for 
Deutche Welle.

“The international operation for stabilizing Afghanistan needs not only the 
increase of the US forces there by 30,000, it also necessitates the other 
participating countries to increase their forces according to their own 
capabilities. We saw, for example, that Romania doubled its contingent from 800 
to 1 600 men. Germany has doubled its financial assistance,” Mladenov stated.

The new Foreign Minister made it clear that the government is not considering a 
gradual pullout of the Bulgarian forces, and that their mandate is until the 
end of the ISAF mission.

He made it clear that in addition to military efforts Bulgaria is going to 
participate in the training of the Afghan police.

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