Press TV
January 29, 2010

US drone strike kills 5 civilians in Pakistan

A US drone attack killed five people on Friday and injured scores of others in 
Pakistan's north Waziristan tribal area near the Afghan border. 

The number of casualties is expected to rise, a Press TV correspondent quoted a 
government official as saying late Friday. A security official, who also 
confirmed the toll, said the drone fired three missiles. 

The US has launched numerous drone attacks on Pakistan in the past. The 
Pakistani government has voiced its anger at the growing number of victims — 
mainly civilians. 

Criticism is mounting over Washington's refusal to comment on the missile 
strikes, which are said to be aimed at eliminating Taliban and al-Qaeda 
militants in Pakistan's northwest. The silence has prompted even the supporters 
of the controversial attacks to argue that US needs to be more transparent. 

Reports say that missiles launched by the unmanned drones have killed hundreds 
of civilians so far. The civilian fatalities have made the US drone attacks 
deeply unpopular in Pakistan, and have resulted in anti-US sentiments in the 

A poll conducted by Gallup Pakistan for Al-Jazeera in July 2009, found that 
only nine percent of Pakistanis supported the drone strikes. The poll was based 
on face-to-face interviews with more than 2,500 Pakistanis throughout the 
country and had a margin of error of plus or minus 2 to 3 percentage points. 

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