Stars and Stripes
European edition
February 3, 2010

Four combat brigades to stay in Europe 
By Seth Robson and Sandra Jontz

-U.S. units in Europe conduct regular training with European militaries, many 
of which operate alongside U.S. forces in Afghanistan as part of the 
International Security Assistance Force. The Pentagon is spending more than 
$100 million to build new military bases in Bulgaria and Romania, where more 
than 2,000 troops, including two squadrons from the 2nd Stryker Cavalry 
Regiment, trained last summer....That presence, the review continues, promotes 
stability in the Aegean, Balkans, Caucasus and Black Sea regions, and 
demonstrates the U.S. commitment to NATO allies....The QDR also called for the 
deployment of a revised U.S. missile defense system in Europe and an enhanced 
naval presence in the region. 

GRAFENWOHR, Germany: The Department of Defense has backed a call by the U.S. 
Army Europe commander to retain four brigade combat teams in Europe.

The DOD’s Quadrennial Defense Review, released Monday, states “the United 
States will retain four brigade combat teams and an Army Corps headquarters 
forward-stationed on the continent.”

The brigades will remain in Europe pending a DOD review of NATO’s Strategic 
Concept and an accompanying U.S. assessment of its European defense posture 
network, the QDR states.

NATO spokesman Robert Pszczel said Tuesday that the Strategic Concept –— 
scheduled to be agreed upon at the NATO Summit in Portugal in November — sets 
out the security environment and outlines key tasks of the alliance in years 

Two of the four Europe-based brigade combat teams — the 170th Infantry Brigade 
in Baumholder, Germany, and the 172nd Infantry Brigade from Grafenwohr, Germany 
— had been slated to return to the U.S. in 2012. But USAREUR commander Gen. 
Carter Ham last year recommended to the U.S. European Command that those BCTs 
remain in Germany indefinitely.

“The two primary issues for me are to have sufficient ground forces to enable 
us to meet not only our current operational requirements, principally to the 
[U.S. Central Command] region, but also to maintain the ability to stay engaged 
and exercise with our European allies,” Ham said last February.

U.S. units in Europe conduct regular training with European militaries, many of 
which operate alongside U.S. forces in Afghanistan as part of the International 
Security Assistance Force. The Pentagon is spending more than $100 million to 
build new military bases in Bulgaria and Romania, where more than 2,000 troops, 
including two squadrons from the 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment, trained last 

In the QDR, the DOD noted that “a robust U.S. military presence in Europe 
serves to deter the political intimidation of allies and partners.”

That presence, the review continues, promotes stability in the Aegean, Balkans, 
Caucasus and Black Sea regions, and demonstrates the U.S. commitment to NATO 

In a statement issued Tuesday, USAREUR spokesman Bruce Anderson said the QDR 
reaffirms that a strong trans-Atlantic partnership and bilateral relationships 
with European governments are central to the security of the U.S.

In addition to working with their European neighbors, the Army’s Europe-based 
brigades also have deployed multiple times to Iraq and Afghanistan in recent 
years. The Airborne Brigade Combat Team out of Vicenza, Italy, recently 
deployed to Afghanistan, while the Vilseck, Germany-based 2nd Stryker Cavalry 
Regiment is preparing to head there in summer.

The QDR also called for the deployment of a revised U.S. missile defense system 
in Europe and an enhanced naval presence in the region. 

The beefed-up Navy presence in Europe has already started.

In early January, the Navy sent the USS Ramage — a guided-missile destroyer — 
on a six-month deployment to the Mediterranean Sea, as part of a U.S. military 
build-up of missile-defense systems in the region. The U.S. positioned eight 
Patriot missile batteries in the Middle East and Aegis ballistic missile 
cruisers in the Persian Gulf, Gen. David Petraeus, the U.S. Central Command 
leader, told the Institute for the Study of War on Jan. 22.

The key U.S. allies of United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait are the 
four countries receiving the anti-missile defense systems, according to The 
Washington Post.

But posting a ship in the Mediterranean is “something new for the Navy,” said 
John Pike, director of

The increased presence of missile-defense ships in Europe, as outlined in the 
QDR, offers the U.S. military an advantage over land-based systems: the 
flexibility to position systems where needed in order to meet threats, Pike 
said. Not to mention the avoidance of a diplomatic wrangling with other nations 
in order to put Patriot missile batteries on foreign soil, he suggested.

U.S. sea-based ballistic missile defense in Europe offers protection not just 
to Israel, but to the ally of Egypt as well, Pike said.

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