
From: Global Network <>
Subject: Peace Protesters Roughed Up, Arrested by Obama's Pentagon
To: "GN List Serve" <>
Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 10:31 AM

Is this how Obama thanks those who are taking his call for the abolition of 
nuclear weapons seriously?  He has then roughed up and arrested for standing 
with signs outside Vandenberg AFB in California while his Pentagon fires 
“missile defense” tests into the heavens above the Pacific Ocean?
For years people have been protesting outside Vandenberg AFB when the base 
launches missiles.  Now and then the military police would grab one of the 
organizers and arrest them but often nothing was done at all.  But on January 
31, just as another $150 million “missile defense” test was launched from the 
base, the Obama led Pentagon had virtually everyone who was at the protest, 
legally standing outside the base, arrested.  In one case the military police 
threw Judy Evered onto the ground where two security guards held her with one 
soldier's knee in her back. Her subsequent booking was interrupted because she 
had to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance for a shoulder injury she 
sustained after she was already in custody.  Evered, a member of WILPF, is in 
her 80’s.
This was a particularly important “missile defense” test because the Pentagon 
promoted it as a practice to simulate “a nuclear attack by Iran”.  Of course 
Iran has no nuclear weapons today nor does it have any launch vehicles capable 
of reaching the continental U.S.  But truth and facts don’t matter when you are 
out to create a new enemy in the minds of the American people.  Fiction becomes 
reality, war is peace.  Brainwashing it is called.
In the first test of its kind involving Vandenberg, a U.S. Air Force ICBM 
launched from the Marshall Islands (the Ronald Reagan Test Range) was aimed at 
southern California. The Ground-Based Interceptor launched from Vandenberg, 
about 60 miles northwest of Santa Barbara, lifted off at around 3:45 pm, but 
did not succeed in shooting down the target missile (supposedly from Iran) 
which was launched six minutes earlier from the Reagan Test Range.
“They completely dismantled the demonstration,” said protest organizer 
MacGregor Eddy who is a WILPF and Global Network member. She went onto 
reiterate that the base was told well in advance of the demonstration which was 
initially scheduled for January 21, as was the interceptor test, both of which 
were grounded due to large southern California storms at the time.

Since November, the new base commander has decided to require I.D.s from 
demonstrators. There is no way that a base commander, on his own, is going to 
start demanding ID’s from legal public protesters and make such a decision to 
completely disrupt and arrest eight out of the eleven people at a peaceful 
vigil.  These orders have come from higher up and in the end the president of 
the U.S. has to be held responsible for escalating this provocative attack on 
peaceful protest outside a U.S. military base.
Obama talks big about wanting disarmament but then he qualifies this by saying 
that it might not happen “in his lifetime.”  Then he moves, two years in a row, 
to increase military spending and continues the Bush administration policy of 
surrounding Russia and China with “missile defense” systems that are actually 
part of the U.S. first-strike program.  The U.S. “missile defense” systems 
would pick-off any retaliatory missiles fired by Russia or China after the U.S. 
had launched the initial attack.  The U.S. Space Command has actually been 
computer war-gaming such a first-strike attack on China for the past several 
In a statement prior to the January 31 missile launch Western States Legal 
Foundation Director Jacqueline Cabasso said, “Further, U.S. development of 
missile defenses endangers prospects for deeper U.S. and Russian nuclear arms 
reductions and threatens to scuttle agreement on a follow-on to the START 
treaty. To add insult to injury, every U.S. test launch from the Marshall 
Islands causes tremendous environmental damage to surrounding land and water 
areas and compounds the historical injustice to the indigenous Marshallese 
Obama can’t have it both ways.  He can’t go around talking nice about nuclear 
disarmament and then continue taking active steps to develop and test new 
generations of advanced war fighting systems and expect that Russia and China 
will just sit back and watch without reacting.  And if Obama was serious about 
real nuclear disarmament he would not allow his Pentagon operatives to harass, 
rough up, and arrest activists who are legally opposing wasteful and 
destabilizing missile tests.  You don’t treat your political allies in such a 
Once again we see the clear evidence that Obama is the quintessential magician 
– he says one thing but if we closely watch his other hand we see the 
revelation of his real agenda, which is nothing more than a continuation of the 
Bush war making program, but this time with a friendly smile and a well-turned 

Bruce K. Gagnon
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 652
Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 443-9502  (blog)

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