Bloomberg News
February 5, 2010

U.S. Uses Iran to Globalize Its Defenses, Russia Says 
By Lucian Kim

U.S. plans to base a missile-defense system in eastern Europe are a pretext to 
encroach on Russia’s borders, said Dmitry Rogozin, the Russian envoy to NATO.

“Maybe it’s against Iran, but that same system can be targeted against any 
other country, including Russia’s strategic nuclear potential,” Rogozin said in 
an interview on state broadcaster Rossiya 24 today. “The U.S. is using Iran’s 
actions to globalize its system of missile defense.”

Rogozin...was reacting to Romania’s decision yesterday to join a proposed U.S. 
missile shield. Romania, a former Soviet ally, joined the North Atlantic Treaty 
Organization in 2004.

Russia objected to plans by the Bush administration to set up a missile defense 
shield in Poland and the Czech Republic, designed to fend off an Iranian 
attack. President Barack Obama scrapped those plans in September as part of his 
“reset” to improve U.S.-Russian relations.

Russia’s new military doctrine, published on the Kremlin Web site today, names 
NATO’s eastward expansion and foreign missile defense systems among the 
country’s biggest security threats. International terrorism is second to last 
on the list of 11 threats.

“Our military shouldn’t believe some promises or intentions,” Rogozin said. “We 
need to go on the assumption that a foreign military potential is approaching 
our borders.”

‘Increasingly Alarmed’

While relations have improved under Obama, Rogozin said a future U.S. 
administration may retarget its missile defense system at Russia. Attempts by 
Western countries to establish bases closer to Russia are more worrying than 
possible Iranian plans to obtain weapons of mass destruction, he said.
President Dmitry Medvedev is spearheading a new arms control agreement with 
Obama and has indicated a willingness to toughen sanctions on Iran. Prime 
Minister Vladimir Putin has said the arms agreement must include missile 
defense and has held off from new threats against Iran.

“We insist that the issue of developing missile defense is tightly linked to 
cutting strategic offense nuclear weapons, which is currently being negotiated 
in Geneva,” Rogozin said.

He also said Russia would be reserved in helping the NATO mission in 
Afghanistan until the alliance does more to control the flow of drugs out of 
the country.
--Editors: Chris Kirkham, Andrew Atkinson

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