February 6, 2010

Romania: U.S. Expands Missile Shield Into Black Sea 
Rick Rozoff

When Romanian President Traian Basescu disclosed on February 4 that his 
nation's Supreme Defense Council had "approved a U.S. proposal that Romania 
takes part in the anti-rocket shield system" and that "Terrestrial interceptors 
will be located inside the national territory," [1] many readers may have been 
taken by surprise.

They need not have been, though, as the expansion of the U.S. global, layered, 
integrated interceptor missile system into the Black Sea was as foreseeable as 
it is inevitable.

Previous articles in this series forecast just such an eventuality. Just that 
certainty. [2]

Later on the 4th when a better translation of Basescu's comments was available, 
the New York Times confirmed that the Romanian head of state pledged that his 
nation "was prepared to negotiate with the United States to accept ground-based 
interceptors as part of an antiballistic missile defense system. He said it 
could be working by 2015."

Basescu added that "the proposal accepted by the Supreme Defense Council came 
from President Obama, whose under secretary of state for arms control and 
international security, Ellen O. Tauscher, was in Romania." [3]

That he stipulated the year 2015 and mentioned the State Department's Tauscher 
are both significant facts. Tauscher signed the agreement with Polish Deputy 
Defense Minister Stanislaw Komorowski last December to deploy American 
mid-range interceptor missiles and troops to the Eastern European nation. Two 
weeks ago Komorowski's ministry announced that U.S. Patriot missiles and troops 
would be stationed at a Baltic Sea site only 35 miles from Russia's Kaliningrad 

Russia was no more pleased with that news than about U.S. ground-based missiles 
being stationed in Romania, as will be seen later.

Keeping in mind Tauscher's longstanding role in promoting American interceptor 
missile plans in Europe, which will be examined in detail further on, the State 
Department nonetheless formally describes her role as Senior Adviser to the 
President and the Secretary of State for Arms Control, Nonproliferation, and 

Last year, two days after President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Robert 
Gates announced on the same day, September 17, that the U.S. was abandoning 
plans to station ten ground-based interceptor missiles in Poland and transfer a 
modified X-band missile radar from the Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific Ocean to 
the Czech Republic, Gates described in the New York Times the alternative 
project, what Obama characterized as a "stronger, swifter, and smarter" missile 
shield program far broader in scope and intent than his predecessor's.

Gates wrote of a three-phase plan that would begin with "proven, sea-based SM-3 
[Standard Missile-3] interceptor missiles – weapons that are growing in 
capability," then be followed by a "second phase, which will become operational 
around 2015" and "involve putting upgraded SM-3s on the ground in Southern and 
Central Europe. All told, every phase of this plan will include scores of SM-3 
missiles, as opposed to the old plan of just 10 ground-based interceptors...." 

While deploying scores - 40, 60, 80, 100? - of SM-3 interceptor missiles 
adapted for ground deployment in both the south and east of Europe (by Central 
Europe read Eastern Europe), "our military will continue research and 
development on a two-stage ground-based interceptor, the kind that was planned 
to be put in Poland, as a back-up,” Gates added. [5]

The White House and the Pentagon had not retreated an inch on plans to 
establish an impenetrable missile shield along Russia's western borders, one 
that could potentially threaten the nation's strategic forces and disable its 
ability to retaliate and so credibly maintain a deterrence capability. In fact, 
as Gates explicitly stated, plans for ten ground-based midcourse missiles in 
Poland are to be superseded by several times more SM-3 and Patriot Advanced 
Capability-3 [PAC-3] anti-ballistic missiles as well as a proposed 50,000-pound 
mobile missile launcher [6] and ground-based missiles in the final analysis 

Shortly after the official shift in U.S. interceptor plans in Europe - and 
beyond into the Caucasus, the Middle East and even further - Under Secretary of 
State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs Ellen Tauscher put to 
rest hopes that even the Polish and Czech locations would be left out of 
wider-ranging plans. At a symposium hosted by the pro-NATO Atlantic Council, 
one also addressed by the head of the Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency 
Lieutenant General Patrick O'Reilly, Tauscher delivered a speech which the 
Washington Post commented on as follows:

"The undersecretary of state for arms control and international security, Ellen 
Tauscher...said discussions are already underway with Poland to base missiles 
there, and talks have begun with the Czech Republic about making it the 
headquarters for command and control elements associated with the system.

"Tauscher said European allies, who were initially troubled by the hasty
announcement canceling the George W. Bush-era system, have come to support the 
Obama administration's plan, which would permit earlier deployment and provide 
wider coverage than the earlier one." 

She was quoted saying "Remember, this is a NATO-wide European missile defense 
system as opposed to a bilateral missile defense system" and paraphrased vowing 
"there would be additional opportunities for allied countries to participate in 
missile defense.

"Another land-based radar system, which was also part of the Bush plan, for
example, will need to be located in southeastern Europe." [7]

Not only missile radar but missiles themselves will be based in Southeastern 
Europe, substantially south of Poland and east of the Czech Republic.

As the last head of the Missile Defense Agency, Lieutenant General Henry 
Obering, told a Pentagon gathering two years ago, “A powerful, ‘forward based’ 
X-band radar station could go in southeastern Europe, possibly in Turkey, the 
Caucasus or the Caspian Sea region." [8]

There is nothing new and nothing unsurprising about the announcement that 
American interceptor missiles are headed to Romania.

As for Tauscher, there is no discontinuity with her work, either.

She came to her current position in the State Department from that of 
chairperson of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the House Armed Services 
Committee in the U.S. Congress.

During that tenure she was a consistently determined promoter of interceptor 
missile development and deployment.

A brief chronology from the waning days of the George W. Bush presidency will 
document the unimpeded continuation of her efforts from the Bush to the Obama 

On missiles in Poland:

"I would feel better if this were a NATO framework we were operating in.” [9]

On global missile shield plans and space war:

"Rejecting the recommendations of a sub-committee, Representatives Ellen 
Tauscher (D-CA) and John Larson (D-CT) restored $150 million to Pentagon 'boost 
phase' missile defense programs, $48 million for future missile defense 
systems, including space sensors, $12 million more for sea-based sensors and 
language to allow $160 million for a highly controversial European missile 
defense site." [10]

On expanding Bush's missile plans to encompass all of Europe:

“This is a crucial element for the US Congress. US missile defense must protect 
all NATO territories and be fully interoperable with the NATO system. We want 
more clarity about how these two systems can work together”. [11]

While in the Czech Republic:

"The missile defence system must be fully incorporated in NATO and it must 
protect Europe and the United States, U.S. Democrat Congresswoman Ellen
Tauscher told a press conference today....Tauscher also said that the radar 
base could not operate without the missile base in Poland.

"She added that the anti-missile system to be stationed in the Czech Republic 
and Poland is to be connected with another system defending against other type 
of missiles. 'We are looking for a system of systems,' she said." [12]

Back in Washington:

"House Armed Services strategic forces chair Ellen Tauscher (D-Calif.) told 
reporters Nov. 8 that final congressional defense authorization language for 
fiscal 2008 should hew to her subcommittee's drive to 'NATO-ize' U.S. ballistic 
missile defense (BMDS) system efforts based in Europe.

"Speaking to defense writers in Washington, Tauscher said she would like to see 
U.S. ground-based midcourse defense (GBMD) elements there [Europe] - like a 
proposed radar in the Czech Republic and 10 interceptors for facilities in 
Poland - become the 'long-range' aspect of a NATO system complimented by 
European short- and medium-range systems.

"Tauscher specifically named NATO's Active Layered Theater Ballistic Missile 
Defense (ALT-BMD) program - which could include the PAC-3, THAAD [Terminal High 
Altitude Area Defense], and Aegis BMD [Ballistic Missile Defense] systems...." 

In March of 2009, shortly before assuming her State Department post - for 
promoting arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament, recall - she 
remained an avid proponent of missile deployments in Europe and stated "We need 
to move in a NATOized way. Eventually we will develop a short- and medium-range 
system....We can certainly bolt on a long-range system once it has been 
tested." [14] 

She was back in Prague last November and beforehand said "the command for the 
managing and control of elements of the new version of anti-missile defence 
could be stationed in the Czech Republic." [15]

Tauscher's project for a more sophisticated, diversified, mobile interceptor 
system in Europe and its expansion into the Middle East, integrated with all 28 
NATO member states and doubtlessly with several key partners, is well on the 
way to realization. Neither Poland nor the Czech Republic are excluded from the 
designs; rather the number of nations pulled into Washington's missile shield 
network will be increased in number and in geographical range.

The first steps have been taken in the Baltic Sea with U.S. PAC-3 missiles and 
troops to arrive as early as next month and Aegis class warships with Standard 
Missile-3 interceptors not far behind. The USS Cole, upgraded to an 
Aegis-equipped guided missile destroyer, made port calls to the capitals of 
Estonia and Finland in the Baltic Sea region last November.

Also last year the guided-missile destroyer USS Stout visited the Eastern 
Mediterranean and the Black Sea "in support of Navy Ballistic Missile Defense," 
[16] visiting Israel, Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, and Turkey (the last four 
Black Sea littoral nations) and engaging in maneuvers with the Georgian navy 
"seen as a show of American support for the former Soviet nation crushed in 
last year's war with Russia." [17]

In the latter half of 2009 the Pentagon's Joint Task Force-East conducted 
almost three months of military exercises in Romania and neighboring Bulgaria 
which included training for U.S. Stryker and airborne units. In October it was 
reported that the Pentagon will spend $110 million to upgrade two of the seven 
bases it has acquired in Romania and Bulgaria since 2005; the revamped bases 
will house over 4,000 U.S. troops.

In October Vice President Joseph Biden was in the Romanian capital on a tour 
that also took him to Poland and the Czech Republic and met with President 
Basescu, telling him, "I really appreciate your government's embrace of the new 
missile defence architecture we are bringing to Europe. It is a better 
architecture and has the benefit of protecting you as well as the United 
States." [18]

He also reiterated that "Under [NATO's] Article 5, an attack on one is an
attack against all," [19] according to the Pentagon's website.

At the time of Biden's Romanian visit a U.S. army official in Romania stated 
that "an American military base near the Black Sea port of Constanta will 
become a permanent facility in the spring...." [20]

A Romanian publication ran a column in November of last year that foreshadowed 
this week's news concerning U.S. missile shield deployments in the nation. It 
included a quote that "A strong and modern surveillance system located in 
Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey could monitor three hot areas at once: the Black 
Sea, the Caucasus and the Caspian and relevant zones in the Middle East."
By process of elimination it continued, "Turkey is very unlikely to host a 
land-based SM-3 system, because it would not dare position itself so 
aggressively against its Iranian neighbour.

"This would make Greece, Bulgaria or Romania contenders - and with Biden making 
the recent visit to Bucharest as opposed to Sofia or Athens in the context of 
discussions on security architecture, Romania appears to be a more likely 

It continued: "By 2011 the Pentagon will roll out its naval anti-ballistic 
missile system on cruisers and destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean. These 
ships will be equipped with Lockheed Martin's Aegis system, containing 
anti-aircraft and anti-missile radar and weaponry. The ships contain mid to 
long range SM-3 missiles."

An extension of the ship-based interceptor missiles into the Black Sea may 
follow because "The [Romanian] Constanta port and naval facilities, plus 
Bulgaria with its Burgas port, could be good platforms for a military naval 
base...." [21] 

As an indication of how the bases can be used, on the eve of the invasion of 
Iraq in March of 2003 Agence France-Presse reported that "An air of secrecy 
surrounds the arrival of thousands of US military personnel at the Romanian 
Black Sea port of Constanta in preparation for a war on Iraq.

"Ten giant Hercules C-130 transport aircraft and four H-53 helicopters can be 
seen parked at a military airbase adjacent to the local civilian airport." 

A Romanian source was quoted at the time as saying, “We are NATO’s advance post 
in the east.” [22]

The base in question is the Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base north of Constanta, 
the main headquarters of the Pentagon's Joint Task Force-East. 

Russian Response

When it first became evident that the U.S. was moving into and taking over four 
military bases in Romania (and three in Bulgaria) for training and deployment 
for wars in the east, in 2007 then Russian President Vladimir Putin said, "[A] 
new base in Bulgaria, another in Romania....What are we supposed to do? We 
cannot just observe all this." [23]

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov echoed the concern, stating "Russia 
finds it hard to understand some decisions of NATO like, for example, the 
deployment of US military facilities in Bulgaria and Romania." [24]

When Romania's President Basescu revealed U.S. missile shield plans for his 
nation on February 4, Lavrov again spoke out and said "We expect the United 
States to provide an exhaustive explanation, taking into account the fact that 
the Black Sea regime is regulated by the Montreux Convention," [25] which 
prohibits warships of non-Black Sea nations from staying in the Black Sea 
longer than 21 days and bans the deployment of outside nations' aircraft 
Dmitry Rogozin, Russian envoy to NATO, was more detailed and more direct in his 
assessment. "Maybe it's against Iran, but that same system can be targeted 
against any other country, including Russia's strategic nuclear potential. The 
U.S. is using Iran's actions to globalize its system of missile defense....Our 
military shouldn't believe some promises or intentions. We need to go on the 
assumption that a foreign military potential is approaching our borders." [26]

On February 5 the Russian Information Agency Novosti website quoted the 
editor-in-chief of the National Defense magazine, Retired Colonel Igor 
Korotchenko, who said "Russia must warn Romania that if the elements of the 
U.S. missile shield are placed in the country they will become a target of 
Russia's preventive missile strikes." 

He also warned "that with ship-based SM-3s in the North, Black and
Mediterranean seas, and mobile land-based SM-3s in Central Europe the western 
borders of Russia would be surrounded by U.S. missile interceptors by 2015." 

At the same time Pentagon chief Robert Gates arrived in Turkey for two days of 
meetings with fellow NATO defense chiefs and it was reported that he would 
"urge European inject more funding into NATO with a focus on 
Afghanistan and priorities such as missile defense...." [28]

On February 5 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev approved his nation's new 
military doctrine, which according to Reuters identifies "NATO expansion as a 
national threat...."

"The doctrine identifies the expansion of NATO to Eastern Europe and U.S. plans 
to create an anti-missile shield in Europe as concerns for national 
security...." [29] 

The two are inextricably connected and unless both are halted U.S. military 
provocations in the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea and the South Caucasus may lead 
to a new European conflagration.

1) Reuters, February 4, 2010
2) U.S. Expands Global Missile Shield Into Middle East, Balkans
   Stop NATO, September 11, 2009

   Balkans Revisited: U.S., NATO Expand Military Role In Southeastern Europe
   Stop NATO, September 14, 2009

   U.S. Missile Shield Plans: Retreat Or Advance?
   Stop NATO, September 17, 2009

  Black Sea, Caucasus: U.S. Moves Missile Shield South And East
  Stop NATO, September 19, 2009

  U.S. Missile Shield System Deployments: Larger, Sooner, Broader
  Stop NATO, September 27, 2009

  Dangerous Missile Battle In Space Over Europe: Fifth Act In U.S. Missile  
  Shield Drama
  Stop NATO, September 29, 2009

  Bulgaria, Romania: U.S., NATO Bases For War In The East
  Stop NATO, October 24, 2009
3) New York Times, February 4, 2010
4) New York Times, September 19, 2009
5) Ibid
6) Pentagon Intensifies Plans For Global Military Supremacy: U.S., NATO  Could 
   Deploy Mobile Missiles Launchers To Europe
   Stop NATO, August 22, 2009
7) Washington Post, October 8, 2009
8) Turkish Daily News, March 12, 2008
9) Defense News, March 28, 2007
10) Bruce Gagnon, U.S. Space First-Strike Program Is Well Underway
    Baltimore Chronicle, May 13, 2007
11), May 28, 2007
12) Czech News Agency, September 14, 2007
13) Aerospace Daily & Defense Report, November 9, 2007
14) Agence France-Presse, March 22, 2009
15) Czech News Agency, November 4, 2009
16) United States Navy, September 25, 2009
17) Associated Press, July 14, 2009
18) Romanian Times, October 22, 2009
19) U.S. Department of Defense, October 22, 2009
20) Associated Press, October 23, 2009
21) The Diplomat, November, 2009
22) Agence France-Presse, March 9, 2003
23) New Europe, Week of June 2, 2007
24) Standart News, December 7, 2007
25) Russian Information Agency Novosti, February 5, 2010
26) Bloomberg News, February 5, 2010
27) Russian Information Agency Novosti, February 5, 2010
28) Bloomberg News, February 4, 2010
29) Reuters, February 5, 2010

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