
World Bulletin
February 6, 2010

US insistent on missile system in Turkey, not more Afghan troops

United States (U.S.) Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said Saturday his 
meeting with the Chief of Turkish General Staff, General Ilker Basbug, was 
almost completely devoted to the issues of Afghanistan and PKK. 

Speaking to a group of Turkish and U.S. journalists in Ankara, Secretary Gates 
said that they had "not requested any new troops from Turkey." 

We are pleased with the partnership between Turkey and the U.S. in Afghanistan, 
Gates said. 

We "discussed, with General Basbug, Turkey's role in the missile defense system 
and relations between our armies", Gates noted. 

"PKK issue"

We carry a will to further develop cooperation with Turkey against the 
terrorist organization PKK as was set forth by former U.S. President George W. 
Bush back in 2007, Gates stressed. 

We are searching for new opportunities that Turkey could utilize against the 
threat emanating from terrorist organization PKK, Gates said. 

The commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, General Ray Odierno, had arrived in 
Ankara to hold talks on this (PKK) issue, Gates emphasized. 

Cooperation between Turkey and the U.S., against PKK, is getting more intense, 
Gates said. 

In regard to his talks at the Turkish General Staff, Secretary Gates said that 
"as the General noted, the final solution does not involve killing all". 

While speaking with the leader of the regional administration in north of Iraq, 
Massoud Barzani, I have stressed the importance of placing pressure on PKK to 
end violence, Gates said. 

"Missile defense system"

The dialogue on what Turkey could do within NATO to counter the proliferation 
of ballistic missiles via a missile defense system continues. We have discussed 
the possibility of erecting two radars in Turkey, Gates said. 

Reminded by a journalist about comments made by Turkish Prime Minister Recep 
Tayyip Erdogan that there were actually countries in the region that possessed 
nuclear weapons, aside from Iran, like Israel, Secretary Gates argued, that 
Iran was "a country that openly announced a will to destroy another country" 
and violated the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. 

We are "not against" Iran's peaceful nuclear works. However, Iran continues 
efforts for uranium enrichment, Gates noted. 
"We are extremely pleased with Turkey's contributions in Afghanistan. We have 
received a promise from "allies and partners" for the deployment of 10,000 
additional personnel. We pay high importance to personnel that can train 
individuals (Afghans) in the areas of military and security, Gates said. "

Iran says it enriches uranium for civilian applications and that as a signatory 
to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, it has a right to the technology 
already in the hands of many others.

Israel, most experts estimate that it has at least between 100 and 200 nuclear 
warheads, often threatens Iran with an attack.

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