
February 9, 2010

China PLA officers urge economic punch against U.S.
Chris Buckley

BEIJING: Senior Chinese military officers have proposed that their country 
boost defense spending, adjust PLA deployments, and possibly sell some U.S. 
bonds to punish Washington for its latest round of arms sales to Taiwan.

The calls for broad retaliation over the planned U.S. weapons sales to the 
disputed island came from officers at China's National Defence University and 
Academy of Military Sciences, interviewed by Outlook Weekly, a Chinese-language 
magazine published by the official Xinhua news agency.

The interviews with Major Generals Zhu Chenghu and Luo Yuan and Senior Colonel 
Ke Chunqiao appeared in the issue published on Monday.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) plays no role in setting policy for China's 
foreign exchange holdings. Officials in charge of that area have given no sign 
of any moves to sell U.S. Treasury bonds over the weapons sales, a move that 
could alarm markets....

While far from representing fixed government policy, the open demands for 
retaliation by the PLA officers underscored the domestic pressures on Beijing 
to deliver on its threats to punish the Obama administration over the arms 

"Our retaliation should not be restricted to merely military matters, and we 
should adopt a strategic package of counter-punches covering politics, military 
affairs, diplomacy and economics to treat both the symptoms and root cause of 
this disease," said Luo Yuan, a researcher at the Academy of Military Sciences.

"Just like two people rowing a boat, if the United States first throws the 
strokes into chaos, then so must we."

Luo said Beijing could "attack by oblique means and stealthy feints" to make 
its point in Washington.

"For example, we could sanction them using economic means, such as dumping some 
U.S. government bonds," Luo said.

The warnings from the PLA come after weeks of strains between Washington and 
Beijing, who have also been at odds over Internet controls and hacking, trade 
and currency quarrels, and President Barack Obama's planned meeting with the 
Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan leader reviled by China as a "separatist."


Chinese has blasted the United States over the planned $6.4 billion arms 
package for Taiwan unveiled in late January, saying it will sanction U.S. firms 
that sell weapons to the self-ruled island that Beijing considers a breakaway 
province of China.

China is likely to unveil its official military budget for 2010 next month, 
when the Communist Party-controlled national parliament meets for its annual 

The PLA officers suggested that budget should mirror China's ire toward 

"Clearly propose that due to the threat in the Taiwan Sea, we are increasing 
military spending," said Luo.

Last year, the government set the official military budget at 480.7 billion 
yuan ($70.4 billion), a 14.9 percent rise on the one in 2008, continuing a 
nearly unbroken succession of double-digit increases over more than two decades.

The fresh U.S. arms sales threatened Chinese military installations on the 
mainland coast facing Taiwan, and "this gives us no choice but to increase 
defense spending and adjust (military) deployments," said Zhu Chenghu, a major 
general at China's National Defence University in Beijing.

In 2005, Zhu stirred controversy by suggesting China could use nuclear weapons 
if the United States intervened militarily in a conflict over Taiwan.

The United States switched official recognition from Taiwan to China in 1979. 
But the Taiwan Relations Act, passed the same year, guarantees Taiwan a 
continued supply of defensive weapons.

China has the world's biggest pile of foreign currency reserves, much of it 
held in U.S. treasury debt. China held $798.9 billion in U.S. Treasuries at 
China has condemned previous arms sales, but has taken little action in 
response to them. But Luo said the country's growing strength meant that time 
has passed.

"China's attitude and actions over U.S. weapons sales to Taiwan will be 
increasingly tough," the magazine cited him as saying. "That is inevitable with 
rising national strength."

(Editing by Jeremy Laurence)

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