The Times (London)
February 10, 2010

3,500 soldiers prepare on Salisbury Plain for mission to Afghanistan
Deborah Haynes

Swooping low, the Chinook helicopter passed over the heads of a group of 
soldiers in a field tending to a colleague who lost a leg minutes earlier. The 
aircraft landed and lowered its ramp, allowing the men to scramble on board and 
fly to safety.

This training exercise yesterday on Salisbury Plain, with a simulated 
explosion, fake blood and a genuine amputee to make it as realistic as 
possible, is one of a series of scenarios being used to prepare 6,350 soldiers, 
Marines and airmen before they go to Afghanistan in April.

The deployment of 4th Mechanised Brigade will fall at a pivotal moment as a 
surge of 30,000 US forces reaches its peak. It will also coincide with the 
summer fighting season, typically a period when casualties rise.
Troops are training on new armoured vehicles, learning how to use sophisticated 
technology to detect roadside bombs....

One of the top priorities will be defeating the deadly network of bomb-planting 
networks that riddle Helmand province. The brigade will use the latest devices 
to track and destroy improvised explosive devices, while the number of dogs 
able to locate hidden bombs will be increased four-fold.
Working with thousands of US Marines, 4th Mechanised Brigade hopes to build on 
the aftermath of what is being billed as the largest Nato offensive since the 
2001 invasion. Operation Moshtarak — “Togetherness” — is due to start 
imminently, targeting the Taleban stronghold of Marjah, a rural but symbolic 
hub in Helmand.

The British military’s battle space, currently spread over central and north 
Helmand, is expected to change in the coming months with the arrival of US 
forces, making them the dominant partner.

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