Strategic Culture Foundation
February 9, 2010

New Balkan wars on the horizon (II)
Pyotr Iskenderov

The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina will become strained soon as Bosnian 
Serbs hold a referendum on their constitutional status. 

Its aim is not to let the leaders of Sarajevo, the US and EU put an end to 
Republika Srpska. The outgoing Croatian President, Stjepan Mesic, promised that 
in case the referendum takes place, the regular army of Croatia will enter the 
territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina to cut off the 15-km Posavina corridor, 
which connects the western and the eastern parts of Republika Srpska in the 
area of Brcko, close to the Croatian border. 

“If Milorad Dodik (Prime Minister of Republika Srpska) decides to hold a 
referendum on separation, I will send troops to divide the region inhabited by 
Bosnian Serbs”, the Croatian President said, adding that in case of success, a 
sovereign state of Bosnian Serbs will 'cease to exist'. He made the 
announcement during an informal press conference in Zagreb on January 18. 

A military campaign against Banja Luka may be held simultaneously with an armed 
action by Kosovo`s Albanian authorities against the city of Kosovska Mitrovica 
and Serbian communities in Northern Kosovo. 

In this case the US, NATO and the EU will manage to complete the separation of 
Serbian territories. The Serbian Republic will be surrounded by hostile states 
and thus will be no longer able to carry out an independent foreign policy. The 
defeat of the Kosovan and Bosnian Serbs will become Russia`s biggest loss in 
the Balkans over the past two decades and will harm Moscow's attempts to play 
an active role in other strategically important regions in Eurasia. 

The first reaction of Serbia and Russia to such rude interference of the 
Croatian leader into the affairs of a neighboring state was surprisingly 
reserved. Serbia's President Boris Tadic made an attempt to respond to the 
remarks made by his Croatian counterpart at the UN Security Council meeting on 
Kosovo on January 22. But he commented on the issue not during his main speech 
(though parallels between what was going on then in Bosnia and Herzegovina and 
in Kosovo were more than obvious). He spoke during the debates because he found 
such kinds of issues could not be discussed during official reports. Mr. Tadic 
also met the UN Chief Ban Ki-moon to tell him that Mesic`s 'dangerous words 
were unwelcome in political discourse' but immediately noted that Serbia did 
not want to worsen relations with Croatia. 

Such peace-loving rhetoric was accepted in Zagreb. Croatia's Prime Minister 
Jadranka Kosor told journalists that Serbia and Croatia should abandon debates 
and work together to develop neighborly relations. However, the Prime Minister 
did not disavow the President's announcement. 

Russia's reaction is still too vague. Summing up the results of 2009 at a press 
conference on January 22 in Moscow, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov 
commented on Mr. Mesic`s announcement: “We insist that all sides involved 
respect the Dayton Agreement and avoid the use of force”. (1) 

Meanwhile, the way the situation is developing in the region in recent months 
proves quite the contrary: the West and the leaders of Sarajevo are definitely 
going to undermine the Dayton agreement. 

Two rounds of talks held by the heads of the Bosnian political parties in 
October 2009 at a NATO base in Butmir outside Sarajevo revealed the western 
strategy toward Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

The Bosnian Serbs are demanded to abdicate their authorities settled in the 
Dayton Peace Agreement. Though formally Russia is a member of the Dayton 
Agreement Peace Implementation Council, it did not take part in the discussions 
in Butmir. So, it would be a fatal mistake to expect the US, EU and NATO to 
abandon their new political course. It would also mean to be inexcusably weak 
in regard to Russia's interests in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the Balkans in 

It was not accidental that the International Crisis Group, which traditionally 
deals with promoting western political propaganda in conflict regions, in every 
detail commented on the future of the Balkans a few months before recent 
events. Experts in the Group believe that Moscow and Belgrade remain the West`s 
major rivals in the region because “an international approach to the Balkans is 
dominated by concern over Serbia`s reaction to the independence of Kosovo”. In 
their opinion, Russia “has become stronger in opposing a Western policy it sees 
hostile to its interests”. (2) 

Under these circumstances, Moscow should better revise its policy in the 
Balkans. Russian diplomats should no longer view the Dayton agreements as too 
weak to withstand political attacks. 

This all will make it logical to put in question the political status of Bosnia 
and Herzegovina. This approach will help Moscow to no longer be an outsider in 
Bosnia and launch a series of international talks on territorial, political and 
ethnocultural problems in the Balkans, where peoples and their interests are in 

Taking into consideration intentions of the West to put an end to the Serbian 
Orthodox community in the Balkans, revision of the existing borders in the 
conflict regions may become the only way for Russia to defend its interests. As 
of today, there are at least three self-proclaimed states whose status is in 
doubted: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia. Their territorial and 
administrative revision could become the least painful way to avoid new wars in 
the Balkans. 

It is remarkable that recently the authorities of Sarajevo have been urging 
Russia to contribute to the 'implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement', the 
Bosniak Muslim member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Haris 
Silajdzic, said at a meeting with the Russian special envoy for Kosovo, 
Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko. And this is a very disturbing sign because 
Silajdzic has long been known for his extremist views about Republika Srpska....

(2)Bosnia`s Incomplete Transition: Between Dayton and Europe. 
Sarajevo-Brussels, 2009. P.14 

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