Hurriyet Daily News
February 10, 2010

Top NATO commander seeks more Turkish forces for Afghanistan

-Asked what the U.S. would do if a more powerful country would drop bombs on it 
like the U.S. did on Afghanistan, McChrystal said: “I believe that if a force 
is there to help a country protect its own sovereignty then I would cooperate 
with that force...."

Camp Dogan, KABUL: The top NATO commander in Afghanistan restates his request 
for combat troops and praises Turkey’s role as he meets with Turkish 
journalists visiting a Turkish military camp in the war-torn country. ‘Turkish 
forces are exactly where I think they should be. I think all coalition forces 
have learned a lot by emulating the way they operate in this environment,’ he 
Reaffirming America’s insistence for more combat troops, the top U.S. commander 
in Afghanistan renewed his call Wednesday for more soldiers from Turkey and 
other NATO allies....

“The request for forces that I make goes to NATO and I don’t ask for particular 
countries, I just ask for good forces and I hope we get them,” U.S. Gen. 
Stanley McChrystal, who is also the top NATO commander in Afghanistan, told a 
group of Turkish journalists at Camp Dogan, one of the three Turkish bases in 

“Coalition forces are going to increase, not just American forces...,” he said.
Asked what the U.S. would do if a more powerful country would drop bombs on it 
like the U.S. did on Afghanistan, McChrystal said: “I believe that if a force 
is there to help a country protect its own sovereignty then I would cooperate 
with that force if it was a coalition like this. So I believe that if I thought 
people were there to help me, my family, my countrymen, I would cooperate.”

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