B92/Tanjug News Agency
February 11, 2010

Belgrade to intl. community: Condemn warmongering 

BELGRADE: Ministry for Kosovo State Secretary Oliver Ivanovic has reacted to 
statements coming from Kosovo Albanian politicians regarding Serbia's southern 

Ivanovic called on the international community to react to the Kosovo Albanian 
assembly in Priština President Jakup Krasniqi's statement that ethnic Albanians 
in the municipalities of Bujanovac and Presevo were "ready to join Kosovo".

"Serbia will not exchange something that is hers for something else that is 
hers, nor is the concept of partition and exchange of territory on the table at 
all from our side. We have absolutely rejected that idea," he stated on 

Ivanovic also said he was worried that the Kosovo politicians' warmongering did 
not meet with reaction from the international community officials in the 

"They seem to be forgetting that such or similar moves in the past caused a lot 
of complications, I won't say, conflicts. Therefore, the least we can expect is 
for the EU and KFOR and NATO representatives, for the representatives of UNMIK 
and EULEX, to condemn this and make it clear to Jakup Krasniqi and to everyone 
else, that these stories should not be placed in public that they are damaging 
and dangerous," said Ivanovic. 

Serbia's stance on Feith plan unchanged

Ivanovic said on Thursday that early local elections could be held in Kosovska 
Mitrovica at the end of April, or the beginning of May, "which would make 
completely insubstantial the plan of Chief of International Civilian Office 
(ICO) Peter Feith for integration of northern Kosovo". 

"Feith's plan for integration of the north of Kosovo into the interim Kosovo 
institutions has no chance to succeed, but it could provoke tensions and 
unnecessary conflicts in the north, which is why Serbia insists on the soonest 
possible elections in Kosovska Mitrovica," Ivanovic told the Serbian state 
broadcaster RTS.  

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