How is this jar different than 3.2? I tried the same command

>java -jar antlr-3.4.jar grammar.g

but I get an error message:

"Invalid or corrupt jarfile antlr-3.4.jar"

On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 5:55 AM, Julien BLACHE <> wrote:

> Hi,
> > The other thing is that the C target has not been tested at all
> > really. If someone could report back on how it works, that would be
> > great ( including the debugging socket protocol to ANTLRWorks).
> I gave it a very quick try on my grammars (written for 3.2) and it
> doesn't look good :/ I've been following the list for some time but I
> can't remember what, if any, adaptations are needed for 3.4, so I'll
> check back on that (pointers appreciated if you have some handy).
> Where can I find the C runtime for 3.4? The download directory still has
> an old 3.3 snapshot.
> Right now the code generated by antlr is incomplete; generated C files
> are much shorter than those generated by 3.2 and actions are missing
> entirely in my AST grammar.
> Quick comparison, line counts:
>                ANTLR 3.2    ANTLR 3.4
> DAAP2SQL.c        927          585
> DAAPLexer.c       1092         934
> DAAPParser.c      1014         901
> A showstopper for C code is that -depends is broken; the only output is:
>  /dependencies()
> There also seems to be an issue wrt locale settings; unless running with
> LC_ALL=C, antlr bails out on me looking for
> org/antlr/tool/templates/messages/languages/fr.stg.
> Cosmetic issue, but still, -version returns:
>  ANTLR Parser Generator  Version ${project.version} ${buildNumber}
> JB.
> --
> Julien BLACHE                                   <>
> <>                                  GPG KeyID 0xF5D65169
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