Hi Nilo,

The problem is that a paragraph contains any number of blocks and a block
contains any number of commands (the ambiguity here is that some paragraph
with two commands can be perceived as containing either two blocks each with
one command or a single block with two commands).

The fix is simple, remove the * symbol from the line:
paragraph : ID '.' block* '.';

If multiple blocks holds semantic value, you might need to use a symbol to
denote the end of a block. For example, instead of using the fix above you
could change the block rule to:

block: (command END_BLOCK)*;

Parsiad Azimzadeh

On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Nilo Roberto C Paim <nilop...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm facing a problem on my grammar that I don't know how to solve
> (Antlr3.3)...
> Let me show you my grammar. Simplified, of course. It's just to show you my
> trouble.
> grammar Cobol;
> options {
>  language = Java;
> }
> program : 'procedure' 'division' '.' section*;
> section : ID 'section' '.' paragraph*;
> paragraph : ID '.' block* '.';
> block : command*;
> command: (cmdA | cmdB | cmdC ) '.'?;
> cmdA: 'A';
> cmdB: 'B';
> cmdC: 'C';
> fragment Digit : '0'..'9';
> fragment Letter : ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z');
> ID : Letter ( Letter | Digit | '-' )*;
> Using this grammar, I'm having the following errors and warnings:
> warning(200): /Cobol/src/Cobol.g:14:12: Decision can match input such as
> "{'.', 'A'..'C'}" using multiple alternatives: 1, 2
> As a result, alternative(s) 2 were disabled for that input
>  |---> ID '.' block* '.';
> error(201): /Cobol/src/Cobol.g:14:12: The following alternatives can never
> be matched: 2
>  |---> ID '.' block* '.';
> warning(200): /Cobol/src/Cobol.g:17:5: Decision can match input such as
> "'B'" using multiple alternatives: 1, 2
> As a result, alternative(s) 2 were disabled for that input
>  |---> command*;
> warning(200): /Cobol/src/Cobol.g:17:5: Decision can match input such as
> "'A'" using multiple alternatives: 1, 2
> As a result, alternative(s) 2 were disabled for that input
>  |---> command*;
> warning(200): /Cobol/src/Cobol.g:17:5: Decision can match input such as
> "'C'" using multiple alternatives: 1, 2
> As a result, alternative(s) 2 were disabled for that input
>  |---> command*;
> 4 warnings
> 1 error
> My real problem is:
> 1) any 'command' can be followed by a '.'
> 2) any sequence of 'command's not followed by '.' forms a 'block'
> 3) wherever I can use a 'command', I can use a 'block'
> 4) the '.' signifies the end of a 'block'
> 5) I can use any number of 'block's to form a 'paragraph'
> 6) I can use any number of 'paragraph's to form a 'section'
> 7) I can have any number of 'section's on a 'program'
> Any hints or help about what am I doing wrong? I'm completely stuck on it,
> 'cause I'm a little newbie using Antlr...
> TIA,
> Nilo - Brazil
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