Yeah adding generics in a sensible way would be nice.

As for the interfaces, they seem fine at first look. I wouldn't expose
the implementation on the interface though, rather make it a protected
class or something - unless you really want to expose it, make it a
normal class?


On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 6:19 PM, Sam Barnett-Cormack
<> wrote:
> On 05/09/2011 17:02, Terence Parr wrote:
>> Yeah,First-time cleaning everything up and then slowly thinking about
>> how generics get integrated. Is truly astounding just how wide the
>> fanout is when you add a generic type. it ripples through all the
>> classes. ugh. From the users point of view, however, it should look
>> clean.
> WHen used sensibly, generics are absolutely wonderful. Many's the
> occasion I've used an API that would clearly benefit from genericisation
> from the programmer's point of view.
> So I guess what I'm saying is, don't hide the generics from the
> user-coder unless there's a good reason to. We can always specify things
> as ? or Object if we really need to, but if there's no generics we can't
> avoid annoying casts. A genericised Tree interface would be a very
> sensible way to go, and it could even generate code that has no ? left
> in, but rather has specified generics. This will mean code using the
> generated code has well-defined return types while still being able to
> leverage common runtime code for management. I'm babbling, really, and
> this probably isn't telling anyone anything they haven't thought of, but
> on the off-chance that it is, I'm hitting 'send' rather than 'delete'...
> Sam
>> Ter On Sep 4, 2011, at 11:47 PM, Bart Kiers wrote:
>>> Hi Ter, others,
>>> Perhaps generics could be introduced in v4?
>>> public interface Tree<T>  { Tree<T>  getParent(); T getPayload();
>>> Tree<T>  getChild(int i); int getChildCount(); String
>>> toStringTree(); } Regards, Bart
>>> On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 11:47 PM, Terence Parr<>
>>> wrote: btw,If you want to take a look at the clean new tree
>>> interface:
> then sub interfaces
> ...
>>> Ter
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