Hi All,

I want describe for archive of this list solution which I have found after 3
days learning issue.

So ... Story is.

1) I have read book ... Here info only for Java ... Overrite this. Catch
exception.. But in C no exception, so it is clear I must find info for C.

2) I jump to site -> docs -> C target   ===>  NOTHING ?
    but should be info + example here, because C target
    differs from Java. No exceptions.

3) I start search list archive... Nothing useful except last letter from
guy, which note that C comment says we must override mismatchRecover(),
But there is no such function, probably it was renamed to

4) Okay, I try override this function in MY ,cpp file.
But... Ops.  mismatch() function,  is STATIC, so I cannot link to it from my

Jim have suggest copy to my sources mismatch() also,
Okay I try that and ... It even not compiles, because mismatch() calls other
static funcs ...   

Dirty force then:  I make it in the antlr3baserecognizer.c

Compiles links ...  HAPPY -> start do tests  ....

And I see that for example such SQL query with error
    "DRO TABLE T1"

Still do 3 iterations ...

Debugging shows me that I even do not get into recoverFromMismatchedToken()
Oops again...

After some debugging, I have note, that each rule, always calls recover(),
and exactly this method clears error flag.

So I do next attempt:  I make own simple recover()

void vdb_recover_off( pANTLR3_BASE_RECOGNIZER recognizer )

And replace default in the parser:

    // Install custom error message display
    RECOGNIZER->displayRecognitionError = vdb_BuildRecognitionErrorStr;
    RECOGNIZER->recover = vdb_recover_off;

And finally !!!!    It works as I want that ...
Parser builds error string and stops right on the first work  DRO.
I will write also now separate letter to Terrence and Jim,
where I will try explain why such simple thing as
        option RECOVER = FALSE

Should not take 3 days from users of ANTLR :)

I hope this letter will save time to future C users of ANTRL.


Also while I did learn this recover dances on ANTLR,
And read that we must override recoverFromMismatchedToken()
I have asked self:

here exists yet 

Why only ONE that function should be overriden?

I think in Docs, Books, Comments, this should be explained also in clean
way. Right?

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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