Hi everyone,
I'm writing following code to test the ANTLRParser AST

import java.util.List;
import org.antlr.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.runtime.tree.*;
import org.antlr.grammar.v3.*;
import org.antlr.tool.*;

//javac -classpath E:\SRC\ANTLR\antlr-3.4-complete.jar;. ANTLRTest.java
//java -classpath E:\SRC\ANTLR\antlr-3.4-complete.jar;. ANTLRTest
public class ANTLRTest
    public static void main(String args[])
    public static void testANTLRParser()
            ANTLRParser.grammar__return rt;
            ANTLRFileStream fs = new ANTLRFileStream("ANTLR.g");
            ANTLRLexer lex = new ANTLRLexer(fs);
            CommonTokenStream token = new CommonTokenStream(lex);
            ANTLRParser par = ANTLRParser.createParser(token);

            Grammar gmr = new Grammar();
            rt = par.grammar_(gmr);

            GrammarAST t =(GrammarAST)rt.getTree();
            System.out.println( t.toStringTree());
        catch(Exception e)

when I'm trying to indent the tree I find the parenthesis unbalanced in
following text
    grammar_ public (ARG Grammar g) RET scope
    (@ init this.grammar = g; Map<String, Object> opts;)
    (@ after cleanup( $tree );)
            (? (BLOCK (ALT ACTION <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>))
            (? (BLOCK (ALT (= cmt DOC_COMMENT) <end-of-alt>)
            (= gr grammarType)
            (= gid id) grammar.setName($gid.text); SEMI
            (? (BLOCK (ALT optionsSpec opts = $optionsSpec.opts;
grammar.setOptions(opts, $optionsSpec.start); <end-of-alt>)
            (? (BLOCK (ALT (= ig delegateGrammars) <end-of-alt>)
            (? (BLOCK (ALT (= ts tokensSpec) <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>))
            (= scopes attrScopes)
            (? (BLOCK (ALT (= a actions) <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>))
            (= r rules)
            (-> (ALT (^( gr gid
                            (? (BLOCK (ALT cmt <end-of-alt>)
                            (? (BLOCK (ALT optionsSpec <end-of-alt>)
                            (? (BLOCK (ALT ig <end-of-alt>)
                            (? (BLOCK (ALT ts <end-of-alt>)
                            (? (BLOCK (ALT scopes <end-of-alt>)
                            (? (BLOCK (ALT a <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>))
r) <end-of-alt>)))
                <end-of-block>) <end-of-rule>)
the last parenthesis does not match with the first one but the parenthesis
before the first BLOCK . Could someone verify this for me ? Many thanks.

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