Hi Bart -

Yes, it's a \n, and I thought I told the grammar to set '\n' to a hidden
channel.  So, why is it not hidden?

~ Dave

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 12:21 AM, Bart Kiers <bki...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 7:55 AM, David Riddle <da...@mcgilly.com> wrote:
>> Hi -
>> This should be a very simple thing - I'm attempting to have my grammar
>> hide
>> newline, carriage returns, etc. However, every concievable form of a
>> grammar that attempts to skip over these things or send them to the hidden
>> channel seems to fail for me. Here's a very basic example:
>> grammar Test;
>> prog: ID+;
>> ID: 'a'..'z'+;
>> WS: '\n'+ {$channel=HIDDEN;};
>> // Input: a \n b
>> // Output: a n b
> I'm guessing that's no 0xA (new line char) in your input, but a backslash
> followed by a 'n'.
> Regards,
>  Bart.

David Riddle
Servoy Developer
(510) 854-6221

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