Hi all,

There should be a 4.5.2 final release sometime soon, but what comes 
next?  I've been organizing my wishlist of what I'd like to see in 
future AOLserver releases and I'm throwing it out there for anyone else 
to add to or comment on.  These are not in any particular order; some 
are half-baked, some are straightforward, and some are little more than 
speculation.  I know development hands are a bit short these days, but 
maybe people will find something that interests them to work on.

Core features:
- support chunked postdata
- api for filter unregistration
- core async delivery
   currently possible by transferring conn socket to tcl event loop. 
Would be nice to make it work for everything, by default.
- re-queue api
   extension of pre-queue filters and quewait api: allow a conn thread 
to send a request back to quewait for network i/o.
- move encoding and compression to filters
- general-purpose worker-pool api
- external prebinding
   allow an external program to bind ports and specify open file 
descriptors on the command line;  would allow privileged port binding 
with no root privileges for actual server.  Would also allow restarting 
without closing listen socket.
- pre-start request service
   have a micro server that responds to requests with "please wait" 
while server is starting.  Helpful for long start-up sequences.

Core tcl:
- replace various c-coded file commands with tcl equivalents (e.g., 
ns_mkdir, ns_unlink).  Main benefit is clean handling of utf8 filenames.
- Support a 2-phase interp initialization.  Phase 1 is defining procs / 
loading packages, which is replicated in every new interp.  Phase 2 is 
initializing persistent data, preloading caches, setting up filters and 
handlers, etc; things that are not replicated in every new interp.

- add variable binding to nsdb
- add lob handling to nsdb
- support runtime db pool configuration

- websockets
I have a vague notion of how both of these could work.  But it needs 
somewhat more than that :)

- Yes, please.

- more config examples
- examples of various features
- configuration through web browser
- "batteries-included" distribution (binaries including perhaps sqlite, 
zlib, openssl, a few simple web apps, maybe php, perl, ...?)
- single-file mountable packages, like tclkits

- dogfood website
   It'd be really nice if aolserver.com actually ran on aolserver.  It's 
hosted on sourceforge currently so probably not much chance of that as 
it stands, but who knows.

Anything else to add?


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