
The Digital City extensions were written way back in 1998 :)   I wrote a big 
chunk of the code along with Jay Ridgeway, Nate Folkman, Shaz Chaudhri and 
others.  We used it extensively for sites like, MapQuest, Moviefone, 
etc.  It had a bunch of goodies, many pragmatic solutions to large-scale, 
multi-server installations.   One popular item was "sob" which pre-dates and 
was similar in use to memcache but, assuming well cacheable objects, far faster 
because it utilized AolServer's large shared-memory model and persistent 
control connections for a a coherent, multi-server cache.  I like to say that 
today's memcache "hit" was our sob-based cache "miss".  It was typical for an 
nsdci-based AolServer to make dozens or 100's of nssob calls building a single 
page within a few 100 milliseconds.  There were some other interesting pieces 
like "av" which was a pre-sorted key-value pair file that would be distributed 
out to the servers (could be 100 servers or more) and memmapped in "instantly". 
 This was the basis for a huge chunk of pre-computed published content, e.g., 
promotion indices and such.  I don't think any of it is still in use at Aol 
today -- for various reasons new technologies are now used but I haven't heard 
that anything new approached the same level of efficiency and performance.

The downside to that stuff was topology management -- with 100 or more 
connected servers for, for example, managing the Tcl-based config files 
went from something clever or at least curious to despised.    Some of the 
over-reliance on pre-computation of data structures in the interest of ultimate 
run-time performance also began to wear on the patience of editors who had to 
use increasingly over burdened back-office publishing systems (Aolserver based 
as well).
So, all things in moderation, everything has it's day in the sun :)

Having said that, the nsdci module is very cool if a bit undocumented and 
arcane on the config side.  Oh, and that av thing?  It's not 64-bit safe -- the 
offsets and lengths as 32-bit integers in the on-disk file were swapped to 
direct pointers on load.  Didn't seem like a problem back in 1999....

Anyway, from what I've heard about node.js (which was just a guy giving a talk 
about it at a conference), it sounds very cool.  I think getting javascript 
and/or php to run well with Aolserver would be interesting.  Tcl would always 
have a special place and any implementation would need a "call Tcl..." thinger, 
but sounds like a cool investigation.

Just to throw salt on the open wound.... do folks want stuff like node.js or 
Windows support :)  Just asking...



On Sep 27, 2012, at 7:41 PM, Jeff Rogers <> wrote:

> John Buckman wrote:
>> The "state of the art" is, I think, happening in the javascript world,
>> with things such as node.js. If the aolserver community were really
>> interested in getting new users, making it a top notch
>> embedded-javascript web server would be a way.  I'm not sure this makes
>> any strategic sense (nor that I need it), but there you go...
> I'm far from the first person to chuckle at how netscape introduced 
> server-side javascript 15 years ago, it pretty much vanished for a 
> while, and has now come roaring back as the next big thing.
> Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
> Still, a "ns_spidermonkey" module would be a interesting project.
>> The other area where "state of the art" thinking is occurring, is in
>> scaling web sites to many, many machines.
>> aolserver has some features to make that happen, but imagine if we had
>> multi-machine ns_cache support, perhaps with a file system backup (ie,
>> memcached)?
> I was thinking about this also. There is a nsmemcache module for 
> naviserver, but it uses some of the C apis that have been changed 
> slightly in naviserver, so it doesn't work with aolserver, but it 
> shouldn't be difficult to port.
> A version (not sure if it's the most current) is at
> Another bit of existing code to build a high-scalability cluster is the 
> Digital City extensions that the guys at AOL built sometime before 2006 
> (I don't know exactly when, just estimating based on timestamps) and I 
> believe ran some pretty big (for the day) sites on.  It looks like a 
> hidden treasure of functionality that never got the respect it deserved. 
>  Looking at the archives, there was some chatter about it on this list 
> back in 2007.  What's that french saying again? :)
> It currently lives at
>> Also, support for sending an http page request to another machine (or
>> pool of machines) would very handy, with a single http daemon handling
>> them all with async io.
> I don't think this would be difficult as things are now;  it would make 
> a nice piece of example code.
> -J
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