You are one of the few I ever heard that is using AOLServer+Oracle on Win32.
I posted so many messages asking who knows how to make it work. I still
don't know how to make it work. Where did you get your Win32 AOLServer and
Oracle driver with what version? I am running a WinNT4.0 and a couple of
people helped me some what without any success.

Good luck.

Ling Wang

>From: Barry Books <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: AOLserver Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [AOLSERVER] Oracle driver problem
>Date: Mon, 7 May 2001 16:54:22 -0500
>I'm working on an Oracle driver problem and I'm curious if anyone else has
>seen it. I'm running the win32 version 2.4 driver with Oracle 8.1.6 on NT
>(client and server)
>The problem is if I try and update a column with a clob greater that 64k I
>[07/May/2001:16:16:29][610.601][-conn0-] Notice:
>  ns_ora clob_dml:  binding variable xml
>[07/May/2001:16:16:29][610.601][-conn0-] Notice:
>  ns_ora clob_dml:  binding variable transaction_id
>[07/May/2001:16:16:29][610.601][-conn0-] Notice:
>  ns_ora clob_dml:  binding variable 1
>[07/May/2001:16:16:29][610.601][-conn0-] Notice:
>  bind variable 1 is a lob
>[07/May/2001:16:16:29][610.601][-conn0-] Notice:
>  entry
>[07/May/2001:16:16:29][610.601][-conn0-] Error: SQL():
>nown>: error in `OCIStmtExecute ()': ORA-01480: trailing null missing from
>STR bind value
>                 update bv_transactions
>                 set transaction = :xml
>                 where transaction_id = :transaction_id
>                 returning transaction into :1
>At first I thought I had not set LobBufferSize but the logs contain:
>[07/May/2001:16:02:07][610.218][-main-] Notice: modload: loading
>[07/May/2001:16:02:07][610.218][-main-] Notice: ora8 driver LobBufferSize =
>[07/May/2001:16:02:07][610.218][-main-] Notice:
>H:\src\aD\root\oracle-driver\ora8.c:920:<unknown>: e
>ntry (hdriver 00417640, config_path ns/db/driver/ora8)
>[07/May/2001:16:02:07][610.218][-main-] Notice: Loaded ArsDigita Oracle
>Driver version 2.4, built on
>  16:05:38/Nov 14 2000
>The config section:
>ns_section ns/db/driver/ora8
>ns_param Debug true
>ns_param LobBufferSize 500000
>All of this would not be so bad but when this happens the Oracle instance
>quits without even putting anything in the event log
>The dml statement is:
>         db_dml update_trans {
>                 update bv_transactions
>                 set transaction = :xml
>                 where transaction_id = :transaction_id
>                 returning transaction into :1
>         } -clobs [list $xml]
>Has anyone else seen this?

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