On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 08:30:22PM -0700, Tom Jackson wrote:
> > It's still mostly like that, with the difference from 4K to 377K being
> > domains hosted by mydomain.com, which all point to 1 AOLserver. Look
> > at http://www.my-example.com for one example.
> I wish we could be sure of this. How does netcraft decide this? How do
> they choose which domains to query?

They query as many domains as they can get their hands on (though I suspect
that for this last survey, they used the whole .com root zone file).

In August, there were about 5000 (or 500? can't remember) AOLserver sites.
In September, there were 200k+. Mydomain.com started using AOLserver in
mid-august, so I don't think it's a coincidence.

Petru Paler, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.ppetru.net - ICQ: 41817235

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