Some helpful info:
1) the documentation seems to be geared toward Unix, I assume some
win-centric docs or revisions will come out as popularity grows.  in the
meantime go to BIN and try nsd -t ..\sample-config.tcl.  That's basically
what the Start menu shortcut does for you.
3) WinZip ( can also be used to open tar, gz, tar.gz, and .tgz
files.  But I agree WinHelp would be nicer.  The TCL man pages are very nice
when converted to WinHelp as they are in 8.3 binary release.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kerry Barlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: installing AOL Server on WINDOWS!

>Dossy: It states in the Admin documentation
>( to start the
>you must type nsd -t nsd.tcl  in its simplest form
>This may work after a user has the system up and configured, however on a
>new install there is no nsd.tcl file. I did find a sample-config.tcl,
>however when i type
>nsd -t sample-config.tcl  from the BIN directory the AOlserver says it
>cannot find the config file. I am guessing I need to enter a path statment
>in the Windows version.
> 2) The Online documentation TOC(table of contents) does not work either.
>you go to
>  and click on the TOC icon,
>you will get a
>page saying "table of contents" in a text link
> ( clicking on this link generates
>an error.
>[Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server.]
>3) Finally there is a Aolserver binary download for Windows based systems.
>However there is not a downloadable documentation file for Windows. The
>documentation files are in .tar.gz format. These are not useable on
>I suppose there is a convertor program someplace, but why make things
>difficult for a new user.
>I believe I came in late on this discussion, it appears like people are
>attempting to fix these errors I pointed out.
>At 02:42 PM 8/22/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>>On 2001.08.22, Kerry Barlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I am interested in the procedure, considering the online documentation
>>> not accurate.
>>Can you provide a specific example of where it's not accurate?
>>-- Dossy
>>Dossy Shiobara                       mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Panoptic Computer Network             web:
>WWW server hosting Http://
>Kerry Barlow
>p.o. box 21
>kirkwood ny

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