I've installed AOLServer V3.4.

I think I've setup ora8.so with it.

Now, I'm trying to test with table-test.tcl that comes standard with the
oracle driver.

However, the page shows up as just html, including "ns_write" strings.  It
seems like it doesn't do any tcl execution.

So, I put the following in the config file:

ns_section "ns/server/server1/tcl"
ns_param Debug On
ns_param Library /ria/usr/local/aolserver/modules/tcl
# I did try /ria/usr/local/aolserver/servers/server1/modules/tcl with no

What am I missing?  Where can I find step-by-step instructions on how to do
this (the standard doc. seems a little terse for a beginner, even on other
issues that I'm struggling with like configuration)?


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