Got just a single answer, please, send me a sign so I can get my courage
back and start the project!




Jim Wilcoxson wrote:
> 2. 2.3.3 crashes 5-10 times per day right now.  We have recovery time
> down to about 10 seconds.  If we use 3.X, we're hoping it won't crash
> as often.  But if it does crash, ...

I hope from the bottom of my heart that AOL 3.x won't crash because I
want to use it as an application server for a 24 hours/day, 7 days/week
and 366 days/year application!!!!

So, please, give me an advice is I should continue using AOL 3.x for
that application or I should abandon it and try other variants as EJB
servers (JBoss for example).

My application should monitor a PostgreSQL database, maintain a big
memory cache in nsv_variables, interfere with client application written
also in Tcl/Tk and communicating with server through HTTP requests, deal
with a big number of readwrite locks, semaphores, events, SQL
transactions and so on.

Right now, just for scanning the database and build the memory caches,
locks , ...., it takes 5 minutes on a Athlon 1.2 GHz, 256 Mb RAM.
The final server will be a dual Pentium 1 GHz, 1 Gb of RAM, Cheetah
15000 rpm SCSI drives ...

If AOL 3.x server will crash unexpectedly, I'm a dead person :-) , no

I choose AOL because I love Tcl, I have read a lot about AOL server
performances and I said : "If it's good for America On Line then it
probably will be good for me". I don't want to spend thousands of
dollars on a Bea Weblogic/Oracle or a Websphere/DB2 solution but I want
to be sure that if my Tcl programs does not contain errors, AOL server
will be up day & night from now on.

I'm at the beginning of that big project and I don't want to spend
months in writing an application that won't be reliable.

(hardly) waiting for advice from AOL server gurus ...

Constantin Teodorescu

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