On Thu, Oct 25, 2001 at 09:46:06PM -0400, Dossy wrote:
> On 2001.10.25, Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Unfortunately, the vendor of this
> > closed-source API ships only the non-shared libfoo.a version of their
> > library - they don't ship a libfoo.so.
> So, just make a libfoo.so that only consists of libfoo.a linked
> in.
> gcc -shared -o libfoo.so -L/path/to/libfoo.a -lfoo
> Shouldn't this work?

Ah, I didn't know you could do that - thanks!  But, when I try it, I'm
running into problems I don't understand.  I tried it a couple
different ways:

1. Putting everything from libfoo.a and myfoo.c into a single myfoo.so

  $ gcc -shared -I../aolserver/include -g -fPIC -o myfoo.so myfoo.c 

This fails to create myfoo.so, and spits out a single gigantic error

  Text relocation remains     referenced
      against symbol  offset  in file
  <unknown>           0x33a4  /home/foo/lib/libfoo.a(fooclient.o)
  malloc              0x30    /home/foo/lib/libfoo.a(fooarg.o)
  malloc              0x2868  /home/foo/lib/libfoo.a(fooarg.o)
  PQueDumpN           0x830   /home/foo/lib/libfoo.a(foopque.o)
  [ ... 12000 or so more lines of stuff ]
  ld: fatal: relocations remain against allocatable but non-writable
  sections collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Is this the dreaded "non-position-independent code" problem??

2. Taking the vendor's libfoo.a, compiling that to libfoo.so, only,
and then create my own separate myfoo.so library.

  $ gcc -shared -fPIC -o libfoo.so /home/foo/lib/libfoo.a

I'd SWEAR that this was giving me the same "relocations remain against
allocatable" error as above, but when I do it again now, libfoo.so is
successfully created, but there's really nothing in it - the file is
only 4 kb long, and "strings libfoo.so" gives no output.

3. Ok, some searching on the web led me to try the -mimpure-text
switch with the "put everything into a single myfoo.so library" from
step 1.:

  $ gcc -shared -fPIC -mimpure-text -I../aolserver/include -g -o myfoo.so myfoo.c 

That seems to work, but oddly, compare "strings myfoo.so" and "strings
libfoo.a", myfoo.so seems to be missing some stuff - they look like
the names of functions - that libfoo.a has.  Could be a red herring, I

Then when I try to start up AOLserver, I get:

  [-main-] Warning: modload: failed to load '/web/aol3/bin/foo.so':
  'ld.so.1: /web/aol3-src/aolserver/nsd/nsd8x: fatal: relocation error:
  file /web/aol3/bin/foo.so: symbol RegSetValueEx: referenced symbol
  not found'

By running strings, I see that that symbol RegSetValueEx is in
libfoo.a but NOT in myfoo.so.  So I think it isn't linking correctly
this way either.

I am clueless on what to try next, so any advice would be greatly

Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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