This is a variant of your worker-thread problem from earlier, isn't it?

I'll begin with a sermon -- if you brought your hymnal, please turn to the
appropriate page; if you don't want to be bored by my opinion, please skip
to the next paragraph.  Worker threads and progress notification are a
hallmark of modern UI design, and help give users of software feedback on
the progress of the system.  The problem is that these devices require an
underlying mechanism that provides adequate latency for issuing progress
notification.  HTTP is terrible at doing this, because the protocol is
designed to be silent between request and response, this denying the
application author the opportunity to let the visitor know what's going on
-- you can't talk to them until you're done.  In short words, the Web
ain't Windows.  It is customary and acceptable on the web to provide a
warning before the visitor hits the "big long request" button that "this
will take a while -- go get coffee/soda/Tolstoy" so you can just do the
request and let the visitor take the consequences.  It's not the best UI
design, but it is pretty good client-server design.  If you really need to
control the dialog with low latency, you need a client other than a web
browser.  Again, this entire paragraph is my opinion, and you're welcome
to disagree.  Now to solutions:

If you were to just generate the data and return it through a normal
ns_return (or through an .adp), and if the output channel were to die
because the visitor cancelled the request, AOLserver would discard the
data. Your process will have spent time and money generating the data, but
is it otherwise harmful?  One problem I can think of with this approach is
that you might get an inadverdent denial-of-service from folks who think
the system is just slow, and keep hitting reload.  In this case, you could
have an nsv counter for a number of processors you want to allow;
increment when you start generating, decrement after; if too many are in
process (you would need to define "too many"), then you could return a
"too busy -- try later" page to the visitor.

If you really want to control the dialog with the visitor then one
approach would be to go back to your worker-thread approach, but the
worker-thread doesn't return anything to the visitor.  The initial request
generates a request ID and sends a page with a refresh back to the visitor
that says something like "click here to get your results, or your browser
will automatically check for them every n seconds".  On subsequent
refreshes, you can just display the same request to the visitor, or you
could give them an option to "click here if you're so bored you don't care
anymore," in which case you could signal the worker-thread somehow that it
can stop now and release its resources.  On your intermediate status page,
you could even display a progress notifier that could show what percent of
the data generation is complete, if you have that information.  This
approach avoids the immediate denial-of-service, because you give more
immediate feedback, but you might still want to constrain how many worker
threads you are willing to spin off, using an nsv counter again.

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Ramin Naimi wrote:

> Is it possible for a module to get notified that a GET or POST request was
> cancelled by the client? My procedure will take a long time to process and I
> would like to know (during processing) if the request was cancelled. I
> suppose I can do a Ns_ConnPuts during my processing and check for it's
> return value and assume that if it failed then the request was cancelled. Is
> there a more cleaner way?

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