I've also noticed this problem.  It can be exploited to execute functions in
your database in certain circumstances where you're quoting submitted data.

I think this function may need different behavior for Oracle or Postgres.

On Monday 28 January 2002 11:46 am, you wrote:
> Hello.
> Here is what caused problems for me with both mySQL and PostgreSQL:
> ns_dblist $h "SELECT lower([ns_dbquotevalue {ABC'DEF\'}])"
> Basically it quoted the string into 'ABC''DEF\'', which is not correct.
> Also, it does not work correctly for UTF-escapable characters.
> proc ns_dbquotevalue {val} {
>      set val [string map [list "'" "''" "\\" "\\\\"] $val]
>      return "'$val'"
> }
> Here's the code I used - it does not handle datatypes, but I never used
> them anyway :)
> Any comments on this one?

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