From: "Daniel P. Stasinski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This works for me.
>   djpeg camera.jpg|pnmscale -xysize 100 75|cjpeg>thumbnail.jpg

This is how I do it (based on what daniel gave up there)

There are also variations you can use with the pnmscale line to size it to a
given width or height and not have to specify the other parameter

proc makethumbnail { ofwhat towhat thumbheight thumbwidth} {
    ## requires full path on each image
    if ![catch [file delete -force $towhat] theerror] {
        if  [ catch { exec djpeg $ofwhat | pnmscale -xysize $thumbwidth
$thumbheight | cjpeg > $towhat } theerror ] {
            ns_log Error "Error generating thumbnail : $theerror"
            return 0
        } else {
            return 1
    } else {
        ns_log Error "Error deleting file : $theerror"
        return 0

 Patrick Spence, MIS
 Mayor Pharmaceutical Labs/Regency Medical Research, Ltd.
 2401 South 24th Street, Phoenix, AZ  85034

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