This does not make much sense.

I called these from nscp:

time {nsv_set a b c; nsv_unset a b} 1000000
for {set i 0} {$i<100000} {incr i} {nsv_set a b$i c; nsv_unset a b$i}

Both of these resulted in nsd processes having the same number of memory
as before.

I hope this helps a bit :)


Jean-Fabrice RABAUTE wrote:
> Hi eveybody,
> I am using extensively the nsv_* functions to save data in the memory for
> speed purpose (mainly saving big select results).
> It's working great.
> The only problem I have is that memory is growing indefinitely !
> So I created a daily schedule function to free the memory using the
> nsv_unset function.
> There is no impact on the process memory ! It seems to not work at all.
> Do you have any idea, if it's possible, on how to free shared memory ?
> Thanks for any tip.
> Best regards.
> Jean-Fabrice RABAUTE.

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