Jeff Hobbs wrote:

>Kriston Rehberg wrote:

>I might add that you will have a hard time getting a compiler and/or
>support for 2.5.1 from Sun nowadays.  They want this to disappear, and
>all I can say is that they have good reason.  People should be on the
>2.6+ for better stability, improved performance, ...
Yes, yes, thank you all, but in the past two months I have indeed moved
to another server entirely.  Which (in fact) I mentioned in passing last

But I'm gonna miss that ol' Sparc.  It was a handy workhorse for a long
time.  I'm thinking it might be happy as a home file server.  (After
moving most of its functionality to a dual-Pentium Dell I have no desire
to use the Sparc as a server any more.)

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