On Mon, May 27, 2002 at 06:49:58PM -0400, Peter M. Jansson wrote:
> ns_db verbose usually works for me, on a per-pool basis.

Oh, right, I forgot aobout that.  No per statement setting though,

> Also, keep in mind that the LogSQLErrors parameter tells the
> database pool manager to log an SQL statement that generates an
> error return, even of verbose is off.  In production, I'd usually
> recommend that you run with verbose off and LogSQLErrors on.

Yes, that's definitely an improvement, thanks.  Unfortunately, when
using the ACS db-api the values of the bind variables do not show up
in the error message, and with verbose turned off, they of course
never show up in the log at all.  Maybe there's some way to get the
bind variable stuff into the error message, but I haven't looked into

> On Mon, 27 May 2002, Andrew Piskorski wrote:
> > Is there any way to turn the "Verbose" parameter setting for a
> > database pool on or off on a per-query or per handle basis?  Or to
> > change it on the fly after server startup in any fashion?

Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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