----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean Redmond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] php + aolserver (is it stable?)

> It works fine almost all the time. I originally had this setup because
> we were using the same server (we only had one!) to try out openacs and
> to serve webmail, for which we were using SquirrelMail (written in PHP).
> Sometimes threads would hang -- it seemed that if users had inboxes with
> too many (i.e. thousands) of messages, php would time out, as its
> designed to do, but the aolserver thread wouldn't die, and enough hung
> threads would hang (but not crash) aolserver. It was nothing too
> terrible, so we just set a cron job to periodically restart the server
> to clear all the threads out before they got to that critical level.
> When we upgraded to RedHat 6.2 to 7.2, something in the webmail script
> that displayed the contents of the inbox consistently crashed aolserver.
> I've never been able to track it down, nor have I seen the problem with
> anything else. You can look at the bug
> (http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=14365) if you are interested.
> Now we have more servers so we use apache for webmail and aolserver for
> everything else (though no PHP except for webmail).
> So I wouldn't recommend it, and there certainly isn't any benefit, but
> if you have to use it, it will probably work. Unless it's SquirrelMail
> on a RedHat 7.* box -- that definitely will not work!

Or a couple different forum packages.. they do the same thing..  takes AS
down hard and fast.. really annoying.

I am experimenting with PHP on Aolserver though simply due to the support by
DreamWeaver MX via the phrakt extension for easy and rapid development of
database applications.

  Patrick Spence <arivenATarivenDOTcom>

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