On Sun, Sep 29, 2002 at 04:24:29AM +0000, Scott Goodwin wrote:
> The biggest problem is: will the OpenACS crew let me take the OpenACS
> postgres module, refactor it and then use that refactored copy,
> maintaining it at SourceForge? I realize OpenACS has a terrific SDM,
> but I think the AOLserver C modules should be maintained and
> distributed from a central location, and that would be SourceForge. If
> the OpenACS folks continue with their version of postgres.so, that's
> fine, but I hate to see two separate modules whose only real
> differences may be cosmetic.

Hi Scott,

I want to say a huge _thank you_ for becoming the unofficial
AOLserver-tree community liason. It's great work that you're doing and I'm
really glad that it is happenning. It is so exciting to see this flurry of
new modules, and best of all, seeing them imported into the tree (after
revision) and having their maintainers with commit privs.

As for the PostgreSQL driver, I have submitted this question to the
OpenACS bboards. If the official driver maintainer has commit privs, then
I'm all for it being in the main tree.



+----|        Roberto Mello   -    http://www.brasileiro.net/  |------+
+       Computer Science Graduate Student, Utah State University      +
+       USU Free Software & GNU/Linux Club - http://fslc.usu.edu/     +

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