Don probably meant that he didn't see the AOL dev team merging in the
changes for Win32 and aD stuff, especially if it had any effect on
adding complexity or reducing performance. Having separate "modules"
for these two efforts, at least to begin with, would solve that problem
while still centralizing the code.

What I'd suggest is that there be two versions imported as modules --
one for windows development and one with the aD stuff. I also suggest
that the import be made from the current AOLserver 3.5.0 tree and/or
4.x tree, and then be patched to bring in the differences cleanly. It
might be easier to track with AOLserver core this way.

Alternatively, the current aD and any current Win32 copies could be
imported and then brought to a state where they are the same as the
AOLserver core, with the exception of the differences (duh).

I like the AOLserver core being "clean" of Win32 code. Please don't
anyone take offense here, as it's just my personal opinion: it makes it
less complicated, and therefore easier for myself and others to work
on. Having a tracked copy that incorporates revisions to make it run
natively on windows, and a separate tracked version that incorporates
changes that the community wants to see would allow us to experiment
with AOLserver core safely. The AOL dev team could then integrate the
improvements that make sense into the core, and everyone wins.


On Sun, 29 Sep 2002 14:37:50 -0400, "Dossy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> On 2002.09.29, Scott Goodwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Go to
> >
> >
> >
> > for discussion on nspostgres, nsora, windows AOLserver and aD AOLserver
> > issues with respect to SF hosting.
> Cool, thanks for bringing this to our attention.
> I just wanted to comment on something Don Bacchus wrote:
> > [...]
> > One of our community members has resurrected windows support and quite
> > a few members of our community are interested in seeing that packaged
> > and released once AOLserver 4.0 is released. At the moment I can't
> > imagine that being hosted at
> > [...]
> > -- Don Baccus, September 29, 2002
> I would love to see Win32 support continue for AOLserver.  I don't see
> why Don says "I can't imagine that being hosted at" --
> at least the AOL folks have said that "we simply can't maintain Win32
> support any longer" ... they never said "we no longer want Win32
> support
> for AOLserver."
> If the community will work on Win32 support and do it in such a way
> that
> it doesn't negatively impact the AOLserver core, I am convinced that
> the
> AOL core team will accept the necessary changes to make it happen.  I'd
> volunteer to be the coordinator of the patching effort if that would
> help.
> -- Dossy
> --
> Dossy Shiobara                       mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Panoptic Computer Network             web:
>   "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
>     folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

  Scott Goodwin

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