----- Original Message -----
From: "Dossy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 7:08 PM
Subject: [AOLSERVER] ns_writecontent and POST'ing data to AOLserver 3.5.0

> Guess AOLserver 3.5.0 isn't a clean upgrade from 3.4.2 ... ;-)
> Other than the recent stacksize increase issue, anyone else run
> up against other changes that need to be made?

Just to be sure its clear, since you seem to be implying that the stack size
thing is in 3.5.0 here.. I am running 3.4.2 not 3.5 and I had to increase
the stack space.

Which, incidentally, has cured my problems I was having with some PHP
scripts causing a segfault randomly...

  Patrick Spence <arivenATarivenDOTcom>

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