On 2002.10.24, Durga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ./configure --with-tcl=/users/WWW/AOL/aolserver_3.5/lib/ --enable-symbols --
> prefix=/users/WWW/AOL/aolserver_3.5/

Remove the trailing /'s.

How did you capture this log?  Just cut and paste?  Please use "make
2>&1 | tee make.out" and send a copy of the make.out file.

> /bin/rm -f nssock.so
> gcc -pipe -shared -nostartfiles  -L../nsthread -L../nsd  -o
> sock.so   -lnsthread -lnsd -L/users/WWW/AOL/aolserver_3.5//lib -ltcl8.4 -ldl
>   -lsocket -lnsl -lpthread -lm -lrt -Wl,-R,/users/WWW/AOL/aolserver_3.5//lib
> /bin/rm -f nscgi.so
> gcc -pipe -shared -nostartfiles  -L../nsthread -L../nsd  -o
> cgi.so   -lnsthread -lnsd -L/users/WWW/AOL/aolserver_3.5//lib -ltcl8.4 -ldl
>  -lsocket -lnsl -lpthread -lm -lrt -Wl,-R,/users/WWW/AOL/aolserver_3.5//lib

It's creating "sock.so" not "nssock.so" and "cgi.so" instead of
"nscgi.so" ... unless something got lost when you sent the build log.

Could you send the output for:

    uname -a
    gcc -v
    make -v

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara                       mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Panoptic Computer Network             web: http://www.panoptic.com/
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
    folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

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