On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 05:39:35PM +0100, Jean-Fabrice RABAUTE wrote:
> * DO NOT USE Persistent Connections with PHP... It looks like PHP is asking
> more and more connections, and in 2 or 3 days (depending on your server load)
> Oracle doesn't have anymore free connection. So, I replaced with a NON
> PERSISTENT connection in PHP and it's fine.

This is still the case with PHP? I experienced that same behavior with PHP
over a year ago when I did things with it under AOLserver _and_ apache.

> * The mem size of the process is growing forever, slowly but forever, so I had
> to stop it and restart it every week (it's not a big deal anyway). I didn't
> investigate the problem.

Anyone's got a profiler? :)


+----|        Roberto Mello   -    http://www.brasileiro.net/  |------+
+       Computer Science Graduate Student, Utah State University      +
+       USU Free Software & GNU/Linux Club - http://fslc.usu.edu/     +

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