This is usually a user permission or environment problem.

Here's the way I deal with it with a few additions to the scripts
that ArsDigita packaged with ACS.



. /etc/
exec `dirname $0`/bin/nsd $* &


In /etc/ (You may not need the oracle and postgres stuff)




GL_DATETIME='%Y-%m-%d %T'



|I have a one more problem. Here it is:
|I am trying utilize the Port 80, so when I try to start the websever as
|root( $aolhome/bin/nsd -it $aolhome/nsd.tcl -u user -g group ), I have
|trouble loading some of the modules, especially Informix Driver!..I didn't
|have problem when it wasn't the ROOT..
|Here is the error message:
|[16/Dec/2002:13:13:22][29239.1][-main-] Notice: modload: loading
|[16/Dec/2002:13:13:22][29239.1][-main-] Warning: modload: failed to load
|'/users/WWW/AOL/aolserver_3.5/bin/': 'l
| ./bin/nsd: fatal: open failed: No such file or
|[16/Dec/2002:13:13:22][29239.1][-main-] Error: dbdrv: failed to load driver
|[16/Dec/2002:13:13:22][29239.1][-main-] Error: dbinit: no such default pool
|Any ideas?
|-----Original Message-----
|From: AOLserver Discussion [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf
|Of Keith paskett
|Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 11:15 AM
|Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] Informix Drivers
|I haven't tried stored procedures. Something else for the todo list.
||Hi Keith,
||One more question, can we call a Stored procedure? ..will this support?..
||Looks like it doesn't support. Please let me know whether have used or not.
||-----Original Message-----
||From: Durga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
||Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 1:08 PM
||To: AOLserver Discussion
||Subject: RE: [AOLSERVER] Informix Drivers
||Thanks, Keith - for your prompt response. I really appreciate it!
||I have to look for other options like create a VIEW instead of db operation
||while I use ns_db getrow..Also, except this problem, I have been doing good
||with your Informix driver. It's work's fine for all othet ns_db API call's.
||Are you aware of any other possible problems with this?!
||-----Original Message-----
||From: AOLserver Discussion [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf
||Of Keith paskett
||Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 12:48 PM
||Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] Informix Drivers
||You can't perform another db operation while you are getting rows.
||This is a limitation of the driver that I hope will be addressed.
||I'm still hopefull that I will be able to come up with a couple
||thousand dollars for anyone willing to rewrite/update the Informix
||driver, but I thought that almost a year ago also.
|||Hi Keith,
|||I have question about ns_db getrow. When I try to use multiple cursors, I
|||get the error message. Did you use multiple cursors? Does Informix driver
|||supports these?
|||Here are the details about my code and error message:
|||My code looks like:
|||foreach { db0 db1 } [ns_db gethandle informix_pool 2] {}
|||set row [ns_db select $db0 "select first 5 * from TABLE_X"]
|||while { [ns_db getrow $db0 $row] ==1 } {
|||  ...
|||        ...
|||  set sysnm [ns_set value [ns_db 0or1row $db1 "select sys_nm from TABLE_Y
|||where sys_id = '6';"]]
|||        ...
|||        ...
|||        ...
||| }
|||02/Dec/2002:10:04:08][2205.382][-conn26-] Error: [IX000] (-480) A
|||with the same name already exists.
|||[02/Dec/2002:10:04:08][2205.382][-conn26-] Error: dbinit:
|||error(dbname_tcp:dbname,A descriptor with the same name already exists.):
|||Any idea?
|||Thanks a lot, Keith
|||-----Original Message-----
|||From: AOLserver Discussion [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf
|||Of Keith paskett
|||Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 4:52 PM
|||Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] Informix Drivers
||||It works geat!!..I re-configured the AOL web server to look at Internal
||||driver ( Right now, I am able to access the data from Informix
||||database. I have a question, though. Can I use all ns_** functions that
||||provided by AOL web server? I have a error message when I tried to use
||||ns_getrow function. Any ideas?
|||Is ns_getrow new to 3.5, or did you mean ns_db getrow? I'm using 3.3 and
|||ns_db getrow works fine.
|||set selection [ns_db select $db "select * from test_tab"]
|||while { [ns_db getrow $db $selection] } {
|||    #Data is in the ns_set $selection
|||    ...
||||Thanks a lot!..I really appreciate your help.
||||-----Original Message-----
||||From: AOLserver Discussion [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf
||||Of Keith Paskett
||||Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 6:09 PM
||||Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] Informix Drivers
||||For what it's worth I never got the external driver working.
||||I don't remember what the issues were but I didn't spend much
||||time on it because I really wanted the internal driver
||||On Thu, Nov 21, 2002 at 10:06:55AM -0700, Durga wrote:
||||> Thanks, Keith, Pete.
||||> Here is the information about my system:
||||> * Operating System: SunOS 5.7 Generic_106541-18 sun4u sparc
||||> * Informix: Informix Dynamic Server Version 9.30.UC3     -- On-Line --
||||> * AOL server: 3.5
||||> * tcl: 8.4b2
||||> * AOL server and Informix are on same machine.
||||> I have checked the /etc/services and $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts,
||||> is set as you mentioned.
||||> nsd.tcl - AOL config file:
||||> # Database drivers
||||> ns_section "ns/db/drivers"
||||> ns_param   informix_driver;
||||> ns_section "ns/db/driver/informix_driver"
||||> ns_param   localdaemon          iuspd;
||||> ns_section "ns/db/pools"
||||> ns_param   informix_pool        "Informix Pool";
||||> ns_section "ns/db/pool/informix_pool"
||||> ns_param   driver       informix_driver
||||> ns_param   datasource   pmdb_tcp:pmdb
||||> ns_param   user         www
||||> ns_param   password     ******
||||> ns_param   connections  1
||||> ns_param   logsqlerrors true
||||> ns_param   verbose      false
||||> ns_param   maxidle      600
||||> ns_param   maxopen      3600
||||> ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/db"
||||> ns_param   pools        *
||||> ns_param   defaultpool informix_pool
||||> Also, in aolserver bin directory:
||||> /users/WWW/AOL/aolserver_3.5$ ls -l bin
||||> -rw-r--r--   1 www      www         2255 Oct 24 14:18 install-sh
||||> -rwxrwxrwx   1 www      www        30989 Nov 19 23:38
||||> -rwxrwxrwx   1 www      www      2124918 Nov 19 23:39 iuspd
||||> -rwxrwxrwx   1 www      www       115928 Oct 24 14:19
||||> -rwxrwxrwx   1 www      www        95296 Oct 24 14:19
||||> -rwxrwxrwx   1 www      www        81724 Oct 24 14:19 nsd
||||> -rwxrwxrwx   1 www      www       143344 Oct 24 14:19
||||> -rwxrwxrwx   1 www      www        99016 Oct 24 14:19
||||> -rwxrwxrwx   1 www      www       116724 Oct 24 14:19
||||> -rwxrwxrwx   1 www      www       102344 Oct 24 14:19
||||> -rwxrwxrwx   1 www      www        96000 Oct 24 14:18 nsthreadtest
||||> -rwxr-xr-x   1 www      www         6540 Oct 21 14:45 tclsh8.4
||||> -rwxrwxrwx   1 www      www         7388 Nov  4 16:35 wish8.4
||||> Is byte size looks normal for both "" and "iuspd"? I did have
||||> problem while I was compiling this driver software, but they were just
||||> syntax error's so changed them and then installation completed
||||> I have used "gcc" and "gmake" to compile.
||||> I don't think it's a "gmake" problem. I already fixed that.
||||> -Durga
||||> -----Original Message-----
||||> From: AOLserver Discussion [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf
||||> Of Keith paskett
||||> Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 8:31 AM
||||> Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] Informix Drivers
||||> Durga,
||||> It would help to know what your configuration is.
||||> What version of Informix? Is it installed locally. How are you
||||> authenticating
||||> the user.
||||> Here's the configuration that works for me (Solaris 8 & 9).
||||> I'm accessing a remote Informix with the informix client software
||||> installed in /usr/local/informix. I don't think the configuration
||||> changes much if Informix is installed on the same box as AOLserver.
||||> Unfortunately the Informix client software does not come with any way
||||> to test the connection. So if you are accessing a remote server, it
||||> is hard to know if failures are due to the AOLserver Informix driver
||||> or the client installation / configuration.
||||> In /etc/services, you should have something like
||||> soc1            1525/tcp                        #Informix data do not
||||> In /usr/local/informix/etc/sqlhosts, something like:
||||> ids_eo_sun      ontlitcp        informixhost.your.domain       soc1
||||> I'm running ACS which uses Oracle but have hacked the ACS code so I can
||||> access other databases (Informix and PostgreSQL) without interfering
||||> with the way ACS gets database handles.
||||> Relevant sections of the AOS config file:
||||> -----
||||> # Datasource is of the form "connection:database"
||||> # where connection is from /usr/local/informix/etc/sqlhosts
||||> # User and Password are not used to authenticate (in our Informix
||||> # The user that AOLserver is running as needs to be authenticated
||||> # in oracle without prompting for username and password.
||||> ns_section ns/db/pool/noacs_eoffice
||||> ns_param Driver informix
||||> ns_param Connections 3
||||> ns_param DataSource "ids_eo_sun:eoffice"
||||> ns_param User nsadmin
||||> ns_param Password bogus
||||> ns_param Verbose Off
||||> ns_param LogSQLErrors On
||||> ns_section ns/db/pools
||||> ns_param main main
||||> ns_param subquery subquery
||||> ns_param log log
||||> ns_param noacs_pg1 noacs_pg1
||||> ns_param noacs_eoffice noacs_eoffice
||||> ns_section ns/server/$servicename/db
||||> ns_param Pools main,subquery,log,noacs_pg1,noacs_eoffice
||||> ns_param DefaultPool main
||||> -----
||||> Since I'm using ACS, I've written procedures that match the
||||> of the ACS db_* procs and my test.tcl looks like the following.
||||> Just use the ns_db procs instead of my nadb_* procs.
||||> --
||||> if [catch {ns_db gethandle noacs_eoffice} db] {
||||>     set eoffice_avail 0
||||> } else {
||||>     set eoffice_avail 1
||||> }
||||> if {$eoffice_avail} {
||||>    set sql "select value from test_table where id = 1"
||||>     nadb_string $db $sql -default ""
||||> } else {
||||>     ...
||||> }
||||> --
||||> I'm only able to use one db hanldle in a page. You can get two handles
||||> but you can't do an 'ns_db select' with handle2 in a loop that is using
||||> 'ns_db getrow' to retrieve rows from an 'ns_db select' that used
||||> Hope this helps.
||||>   Keith
||||> |
||||> |Now I have different ERROR message:
||||> |
||||> |************************
||||> |invoked from within chunk: 0 of adp: /pub/Pages/PM/TCL/web_example.adp
||||> |[20/Nov/2002:15:24:34][1753.10][-keepalive-] Notice: keepalive:
||||> |thread starting
||||> |[20/Nov/2002:17:16:24][1753.25][-conn1-] Notice: dbdrv: opening
||||> |'informix_driver:pmdb_tcp:pmdb'
||||> |[20/Nov/2002:17:16:25][1753.25][-conn1-] Error: exec: process 6534
||||> |from signal: 11
||||> |[20/Nov/2002:17:16:25][1753.25][-conn1-] Error: exec: process 6534
||||> |core
||||> |[20/Nov/2002:17:16:25][1753.25][-conn1-] Error: dbdrv: failed to open
||||> |database 'informix_driver:pmdb_tcp:pmdb'
||||> |[20/Nov/2002:17:16:25][1753.25][-conn1-] Error:
||||> |could not allocate 1 handle from pool "informix_pool"
||||> |    while executing
||||> |"ns_db gethandle"
||||> |    invoked from within chunk: 0 of adp:
||||> |*************************
||||> |
||||> |Any ideas?
||||> |
||||> |Thanks
||||> |-Durga
||||> |
||||> |-----Original Message-----
||||> |From: Durga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
||||> |Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 3:57 PM
||||> |To: AOLserver Discussion
||||> |Subject: RE: [AOLSERVER] Informix Drivers
||||> |
||||> |
||||> |Thanks, Doosy.
||||> |
||||> |I did compile and install the driver software for Informix, and
||||> |the AOLserver config file - nsd.tcl. However, I am not able to connect
||||> |database. I get the error message as: "ns_db is not enabled"
||||> |
||||> |Any ideas?
||||> |
||||> |Thanks,
||||> |-Durga
||||> ------
||||> Keith Paskett                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
||||> Space Dynamics Laboratory            PGP or GPG encrypted mail
||||> 1695 North Research Parkway          435-797-4195
||||> Logan, Utah 84341
|||Keith Paskett                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|||Space Dynamics Laboratory            PGP or GPG encrypted mail preferred
|||1695 North Research Parkway          435-797-4195
|||Logan, Utah 84341
||Keith Paskett                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
||Space Dynamics Laboratory            PGP or GPG encrypted mail preferred
||1695 North Research Parkway          435-797-4195
||Logan, Utah 84341
|Keith Paskett                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|Space Dynamics Laboratory            PGP or GPG encrypted mail preferred
|1695 North Research Parkway          435-797-4195
|Logan, Utah 84341

Keith Paskett                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Space Dynamics Laboratory            PGP or GPG encrypted mail preferred
1695 North Research Parkway          435-797-4195
Logan, Utah 84341

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