
Here's another variant which could be useful.  AOLserver 4.0 allows you to load the nssock driver outside a specific virtual server and then map to virtual servers via the Host header.  As with old 2.x virtual servers, you can then have separate virtual server configs, for example, separate access log files.  There's an example of such configuration in the sample-config.tcl -- I've pasted it below.


# Example: Host headers based virtual servers.
# To enable:
# 1. Load comm driver(s) globally.
# 2. Configure drivers as in a virtual server.
# 3. Add a "servers" section to map virtual servers to Host headers.
#ns_section ns/modules
#ns_section nssock nssock.so
#ns_section ns/module/nssock
#ns_param   port            $httpport
#ns_param   hostname        $hostname
#ns_param   address         $address
#ns_section ns/module/nssock/servers
#ns_param server1 $hostname:$httpport

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