On Fri, Mar 14, 2003 at 11:49:47AM -0500, Jeremy Cowgar wrote:
> I placed this file in server/modules/tcl/hello.tcl
> set hello "Hello %s"
> ns_register_proc GET /hello howdy
> proc howdy {conn context} {
>     global hello
>     ns_return [format $hello "Jeremy"]
> }

> [14/Mar/2003:11:16:20][17125.65541][-conn:server1::0] Error: can't read
> "hello": no such variable

Yes, you need to read the docs:


Well, hm, those oldish docs aren't quite as clear as they could be.
But anyway, the main point is:

Tcl globals are per-thread in AOLserver, NOT server wide.  If you need
a server-wide variable, use nsv instead.

Don't feel too bad, this is a very typical mistake for people to make
when new to AOLserver, until they read and remember the docs on how
the basics of multi-threaded Tcl in AOLserver works.  :)

Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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