It seems that if people wanted to use generally-available TCL packages
inside AOL, it'd be nice if cd worked and was per-thread.  Otherwise,
even if the TCL internals are fixed to lock around the temporary cd
fiddling it does in realpath or wherever else, ordinary TCL packages
still won't work in a threaded environment if they use cd.  We've
run into this problem ourselves, when we had to bring external TCL
scripts into the web server, for coordination & scheduling purposes.


> On Thu, Mar 27, 2003 at 10:15:33AM +0100, Zoran Vasiljevic wrote:
> > On Wednesday 26 March 2003 20:03, you wrote:
> >
> > > 1. Are there ANY cases where a TLS (thread local storage) cd/pwd would
> > > be the WRONG thing?  E.g., could we reasonally expect there to be any
> > > cases where one thread A does "pwd", gets "/home/my", does "cd /foo",
> > > and then thread B does "pwd" and EXPECTS to get "/foo" back as the
> > > result?  Any such cases in Tcl?  In AOLserver?  In libgcc?  Anywhere
> > > in any C libraries whatsoever?
> >
> > I did not understand.
> > The scenario you've used (thread A/B) is what *is* usually happening.
> > The thread B gets "/foo" and this is what is expected.
> Yes, of course, and it can often breaks things, right?  Most users of
> cd/pwd seem to want to neglect the fact that the pwd state is
> per-process not per-thread, so perhaps it would be simpler just to
> give them that, thus side-stepping the locking issues.
> Therefore, assume a TLS cd/pwd implementation, where each and every
> thread has it's OWN independent current working directory.  Does any
> code break because of this?  In other words, is there any code
> anywhere that both, a), properly treats pwd as per-process not
> per-thread, and b), DEPENDS on the sharing of pwd across threads for
> its correct behavior?
> > But, this is not the source of the problem. The source of the problem
> > is that Tcl internal code remembers the process-wide current working
> > directory in an global Tcl object and neglects to properly lock access
> > to this object for ALL operations, in addition to blindly passing the
> > same object to other threads.
> And if that object were TLS, per-thread, then the error could not
> occur.  It might cause OTHER problems, which is what my questions
> above were getting at, and it might plain not be feasible to
> implement.  But a TLS pwd would solve the "blindly passing a
> process-wide object to other threads" problem above, because it
> wouldn't be process-wide anymore, it'd be per-thread.
> Clearly from what you say it's at least a bit more complicated than
> that though.  I probably can't contribute any more usefully to the
> discussion until/unless I go look at the Tcl core code you're talking
> about...
> > We'd need to talk to the Tcl FS implementor and get him/them abandon
> > the object storage in favour of simple char* or put the object
> > into the TSD.
> What's the TSD?
> > Again, I'm sorry if I misunderstood your question(s). I think that
> > you can't protect yourself from the effects of the [cd]. You will,
> I wasn't trying to protect myself, I was hypothesizing about possible
> designs/implementations for fixing the problem in Tcl.  :)
> The fact that some system calls apparently change pwd and then change
> it back when they complete is really obnoxious, because that means
> that for proper mt-safe operation, those system calls MUST expose a
> mutex which any of YOUR pwd-changing code will explicitly lock and
> unlock as well.  This is a general obnoxious feature of multi-threaded
> programming with multiple libraries - a given mutex sometimes must be
> seen and used across ALL libraries, not just within one library.
> I've run into that before and solved it by overriding library
> functions with my own mt-safe TLS versions of those functions, which
> let me avoid having to try to share a single mutex across multiple
> non-cooperatiung libraries.  Thus I immediatly wondering about the
> possibility of using TLS to solve the cd/pwd bugs you described...
> > I think it would be good to know what exact spots in Tcl might be
> > potential [cd] doers. I will try to grep the code and see what
> Definitely, that would be good to know.
> --
> Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --
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