
We have recently corrected a problem with random AOLserver crashes, and now
we are seeing a different problem: ever-increasing memory usage by our
primary application service between restarts.  Some of our application
functions require fairly extensive string processing, which is currently
handled by manipulating large local variables in memory.  As nearly as we
can tell, none of this memory is ever freed after usage, even when page
processing is completed.  If left unchecked, this eventually runs the
webserver out of physical memory and paging begins...with predictably
negative results.  We can work around the problem by restarting the services
every few days, but that's what we were trying to avoid in the first place.

Does anyone have any experience with this type of problem?  Is this expected
behavior, or is there special handling required to reclaim process memory
(e.g., using a trace filter to unset variables after processing is

Also, is there any simple way to determine how much memory is allocated for
a particular Tcl variable?  This would be helpful if we end up needing to
optimize our existing code, and a quick look at the built-in Tcl functions
and AOLserver API did not turn up anything that meets this need.

Thanks in advance for any and all replies.

Eric Larkin
Chief Technology Officer
Arena Solutions

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