On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 21:33, John Shafto wrote:
> > > I was running nsd v.3.4.2 on a fairly active website
> > > (FreeBSD 4.x os) for a few weeks and had some
> > > trouble with the nsd process growing.   I was restarting
> > > the process every few days as it grew to 40-60Mb.
> >
> > 40-60MB is nothing.  I'd worry if your nsd grows beyond 2GB.
> Doing what?
> This particular machine only has a 512mb of ram,
one of my sites is running AOLServer 4.0 CVS (GM keeps hanging in
schedule_timeout for me), OpenACS 5.0 beta 4, and sits at roughly 125mb
in use after 3 weeks.  40k uniques/day

Another site running AOLServer 4.0 CVS/OpenACS 5.0 beta 1 sits at 98mb
in use after 23 days, an AOLServer 3/OpenACS 4.6.3 sits at 72mb after 47

I don't think 60mb is out of line.

By the same token, I do have apache machines burning 200mb serving less
traffic than the 125mb nsd that I have.  So, it all depends on what
you're doing.

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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