
I've try to bind aolserver 4.1 to port 80, but I've got
"permission denied" error.

I've edit config.tcl file as following:

BEGIN>---8<part of config.tcl>8---
set httpport               80
ns_param   user            www
ns_param   group           www
END>---8<cut here>8---

user www adn group www are valid.
# grep www /etc/passwd
www:*:80:80:World Wide Web Owner:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin
# grep www /etc/group

and I've executed nsd as following:
# whoami
# pwd
# bin/nsd -t config.tcl -u www -g www

so I've got following error:
[16/Feb/2004:10:31:10][44687.134560768][-nssock:driver-] Fatal: nssock: \
failed to listen on Permission denied

I'm using FreeBSD-5.2-current box.

What should I do?


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