Hi all,

I activated last week the TTrace package on my production server.
I stopped it after a few days. It is working great and is really terrific to
keep AOLServer process memory low !

BUT... with the same traffic as before my processor (%CPU and load balancing)
is multiplied by about 8 !
After few searches, I realised a nsv lock contention was very high (checked in

So it is not directly the TTrace package that is slowing the process in my
opinion but its use of the nsv_ commands that generate lock contentions.

I had a lock contention problem a long time ago and increased the nsvbucket to
30 and it solved the problem.
I tried to increase it more with the TTrace package, but it didn't work. (I
think this is due to 1 shared array with nsv_ so this array cannot be splitted
into different buckets).

Then.. I remember another problem I had with a tcl script that can be related
to slow nsv_ commands.

Using the syntax "set myvar(mykey)" to retrieve a value from an array is
really fast, but using the syntax "array get myvar mykey" is really slow !!
Try the script :

package require md5

unset t

array set t [list]

for { set i 0 } { $i < 100000 } { incr i } {
        set tmp [md5::md5 $i]
        array set t [list $tmp $tmp]

Then the commands :

time { array get t d10906c3dac1172d4f60bd41f224ae75 } 100
--> 37897 microseconds per iteration

time { set t(d10906c3dac1172d4f60bd41f224ae75) } 1000
--> 1 microseconds per iteration

the "set ..." syntax is more than 30000 times faster !!!

So I wonder what is the internal implementation of the nsv_ command, so if it
uses the C related commands to "array" it can be a slow implementation.

Am I all wrong ? Am I missing something ? Any tip will be welcome !

Thanks for reading my long post ;-)

Best Regards.

Jean-Fabrice RABAUTE.

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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