On Fri, 21 May 2004, Dossy wrote:

> On 2004.05.21, Daniël Mantione <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The message to new users should be "Yes. You have to switch to TCL, but,
> > don't worry, we're sure you'll regret that you didn't do it before"
> > instead of "Switch to AOLserver, it's easy and nothing has to change for
> > you".
> See, I disagree here.  The message should probably be something like:
> "Switch to AOLserver, you'll be able to leverage the vast knowledge you
> already have and be as productive as you already are.  Then, as you
> learn more and more Tcl and how to take advantage of AOLserver's
> features, you'll be even more productive."

Ok, fine with me! But, if you want to tell this to your potential users,
you must also give them a reason to switch. If the reason to switch
is not to use TCL and use the AOLserver API, what is it? Users won't
switch because they can leverage the vast knowledge they already have,
for the simple reason they can already do that on Apache.

So, what advantage does it then have to run PHP (or language x) on
AOLserver instead of Apache? This a critical in the communication to potential
users, since, likely they already use Apache.

- Is PHP faster on AOLserver than on Apache?
- Does running PHP on AOLserver provide you with more power?
- ???

Actually, I think it is, at this time, better to run PHP on Apache, even
though it can be run on AOLserver. This is an issue the project
would then need to focus on.


Daniël Mantione

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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